29. Reunited

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We have a longer chapter today(:


Isabella's POV

"Are you sure?" My grandmother asks me with an unsure tone of voice

I firmly nod my head with a joyful smile.

I literally could not be any more sure.

"I feel way more at ease now than I did when I first arrived here," I vulnerably inform her

When I first arrived here I was really stressed and just wanted to get away from everything.

It took a few weeks before I was mentally ready to be around other people.

"Plus, I really miss my parents and my friends" I add on

Especially Lynnex.

My cheeks instantly begin to heat up when I think of a certain golden haired girl.

Oh god.

My grandmother laughs humorously at this reaction which causes me to groan with embarrassment and bring my hands up to cover my warm face.

"Well then, you should start packing your bags, if we leave soon we might be able to get you home before nightfall" she says

I nod my head.

I jump with excitement and stand up from my seat at her dinner table before quickly making my way over towards my messy bedroom.

Living here again for the past three months has been nothing less than memorable and nostalgic.

At one point I wondered why I even went back home.

Although my first two weeks of living here were not the best due to me adjusting to the new environment, Haley made them bearable.

I seriously cannot thank her enough.

"I can't believe you're leaving" Haley says from my doorframe

She seems to be neutral judging by her tone of voice.

I roll my eyes at this.

"How come?" I question her genuinely

The blue eyed girl shrugs her shoulders and sits down on my bed, distractedly watching me take my clothes out of my closet and shove them into my black duffle bag.

It is a pretty repetitive process, I have no clue why it has her so entranced.

"I just got used to having you around all the time and now I have to go back to being alone essentially" she says with a sad tone

I stop in my spot and bite my bottom lip with guilt.


I did not stop to think how she was feeling about all of this.

I walk over towards my desk and grab a random, unused journal that I found in this bedroom when I first moved in three months ago.

I have no idea who it belongs to.

I do not remember leaving it here the first time that I moved out of here years ago.

"How about you write your thoughts, feelings or random stories down in here and show them to me whenever you visit?" I suggest

It is kind of a weird idea, but I feel like it could make us closer.

Plus, we could both exchange stories.

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