Chapter *61*

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"Ty stopppppp." I laughed and tried to find my keys in my purse.

"No, you smell good. Good enough to eat." He said nibbling on my neck.

We had just gotten home a few minutes ago and we were fooling around in the hall. We fooled around at the restaurant, we fooled around in the car, we even fooled around in the elevator on our way up to our apartment. We were like hormonal teenagers...well I mean we are hormonal teenagers.

I finally pulled my keys out and was about to let us in when he grabbed my hand to stop me. Tyrie turned me around and pushed me against the door.

I bit down on my bottom lip and looked up at him from under my lashes. We locked eyes and his hazel eyes almost made me look away.

I was trying really hard to break that habit of looking away from him, but it just made me feel too vulnerable. After being bullied most of my life I built a tough skin, so it was really hard to be vulnerable with someone again.

He gently rubbed the side of my face and leaned down to place a small kiss on my lips.

"What was that for?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "I missed you."

My chest kind of hurt by how much I loved him now. "I missed you too."

"Awe baby they are so cute. Why can't you be more like that."

We looked over and saw Bonnie and Makayla peeling out at us from their doorway. Bonnie was saying how cute we were while Makayla just shook her head at her nosy girlfriend.

Tyrie chuckled, told them goodnight, and left inside to let us girls do what we do. I waited for him to close the door before rushing over to their apartment door to gush about our date.

"Oh my gosh that was so cute. Y'all seem so in love. Now of course it would be even cuter if Tyrie was a woman, but it works either way I guess."

I laughed at Bonnie's ridiculous statement and didn't take her seriously. I guess we were kind of cute.

"Him being a man does kind of set us back but I still love him." I joked. "Y'all should have seen him tonight, he was the perfect gentleman. I felt like our first date again or something."

"Y'all make a beautiful couple." Makayla said. I could tell she was a woman of few words, but she knew just what to say.

"How about you come out shopping with us tomorrow so you can tell your fairy gay mothers all about it?"

"That sounds like a good idea. Truth be told I don't really have any friends."

I played with my hair and avoided looking at them. It felt awkward to tell strangers that people didn't fuck with you like that.

Oh yeah I don't have any friends and never had any real friends because people hated my ass in grade school through graduation lol?

Bonnie didn't miss a beat. "Good thing for you, that we don't have any either. We sort of became hermits after we got together so it'll be nice to get along with someone else for a change."

"Oh yeah I sometimes feel the same way in my relationship. Tyrion is perfect, but his company just isn't the same compared to having female friends."

"Great, so we'll see you tomorrow when we ride down to the mall together." She threw me a huge smile that started my own.


"Now that we made plans for tomorrow I think we should finish our plans for tonight. Hmm?" Makayla said to Bonnie.

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