Chapter *48*

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This was it. Our families are standing with us at the airport saying their good byes and getting in a few kisses and hugs. Tyire and I were leaving our homes to start a new life at college. Both of our moms were crying and asking us to stay. My dad was trying to hold his tears back, so he could be strong for my mother. Oliver was hugging ne for a long time and I could swear I heard him sniffle once or twice.

I looked over his shoulder and saw Tyrie giving his mother a huge hug. He towered over her 5'4 height that he could place his chin on top of her head. She was crying, but quieter than my mom was. Charm, poor baby, didn't understand why he had to leave and take all of his things with him.

She thought he would be back home in no time. We had tried to explain how long college was and how we might not come back afterwards. She refused to let anyone sink her spirits. Charm just knew that we would be back before she knew it. I admired her a lot for a four year old.

"I don't want you to even hesitate to call me if you have any problems. I mean any okay?" Oliver said once he released me.

I smiled through my own tears and nodded at him. I was really going to miss him.

"I'm going to miss you big brother. I mean, who's going to annoy me all the time if you don't?"

He laughed and tussled my hair. I punched him in the side and combed my nails through my wig.

"Shut up ape. You know I'll be able to piss you off no matter how far you are from me. My childishness travels miles easily." He said grinning evilly.

I nodded and felt the mood return back to the sad one. I didn't want to cry a river. I wanted to be strong for our family, but it was getting harder and harder to do as the realization that I would be moving away for a long time came down on me.

"But but who will protect me if you and daddy don't? I need my big brother. ", I cried.

He shushed me and swayed us side to side. "You shouldn't even worry about that. You know we got you. Plus you got a good nigga that loves the shit outta you. As much as I find my little sister and my old friend dating to be weird, I have to admit that y'all are a perfect match. He will protect you to the death and beyond that. Just believe in him and you. Goodbye shorty."

"Bye. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay. Have fun at school, but not too much fucking fun. I would hate to fly all the way to Florida just to make sure you not acting wild. This ain't Girls Gone Wild."

Tyrie/Jones POV

My mom was crying a lot, but I knew she would be okay. I wanted her to be happy that I was leaving to do some growing up and maturing. I patted her back trying to soothe her.

"Shh mom it's going to be fine. Thanksgiving will come before you know it, and I will be home to visit. Just please stop crying mama."

"I can't help it Ty. I raised you all alone. I didn't think you would ever want to go to college, but you made it out of high, found a wonderful young woman to start your life with, and are attending college all the way in Florida. You're not my little baby anymore."

"Nah I'll always be your baby mom. I'm just not little anymore. Aye but front hesitate to call me for anything and I do mean anything. I mean it."

She nodded and chuckled. "When do you become such a mature adult?"

I looked over at the love of my life and future mother of my kids. "When I met someone that deserved the best version of me."

My mother followed my eyes to look at my baby girl. She smiled softly and sighed. "You made the right choice baby. I couldn't have picked anyone better for you. She pushes you to be better and do better for yourself. You know you gotta marry her right?"

I laughed and nodded. It wasn't even a question. Shunt'A was my wife I just needed to make it official. That will happen sooner than later.

"Baby our flight is boarding now."

I looked at my beautiful girlfriend and smiled. I grabbed our tickets and carry on bags. We hugged our families one last time.

We walked to the gate hand in hand. I could tell she was nervous, but I knew she was excited. As was I. We were about to take the first step in beginning the rest of our lives. And for the next few years we would be living together as college students. Or was a major change but we were ready.

"You ready pretty girl?" I asked her.

She smiled and showed off her chubby cheeks.

"Born ready best friend. Now let's go get our educations so we can become the next Beyoncè and Jay-Z...but without the cheating. Becuase you know the whole me wanting to kill you thing would really fuck us up."

I laughed at her crazy thoughts. She could never stay on one topic for shit.

"Lead the way Queen Bey."

"Don't mind if I do."

I was going to make this chapter longer but I just couldn't. I've had this chapter since January and still had no inspiration for it. The next chapter is in the works already so dont kill me.




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