Chapter *47*

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One week Later

It was now officially summer vacation. I was struggling to find ways to keep myself busy. I want to volunteer at an animal shelter and get some hours for vet school, but I would just have to leave in a month anyway. I really can't make up my mind.

And for those who are wondering, Tyrie has not dropped dick off yet. He has decided to make me wait for the dick. Why? Ask him.

Right this instant I'm trying to decide if I want to eat some food, or start on packing like I should have done days ago.

Food it is. Now the new question is what I want to eat- ooh we got ranch chicken. I got the last three pieces of chicken and my favorite brand of ranch. If you're a real foodie, you have favorite brands of the same food. I heated the chicken up and poured hot sauce all over it before drowning it in ranch dressing.

"Mmm.", I moaned. This was too good. I almost want to cry from happiness.

A knock at the door made me pause for a second. Then I continued with my meal.

Somebody should answer the door

The knocking started again, but I continued with my chicken. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs in a rush. I took a break to breath and saw Oli just staring at me, judging.

"You couldn't answer the door while you're down here being fat?" He shook his head but headed to answer it anyway.

I just shrugged and decided that he wasn't worth a response. I dumped on more ranch dressing and dug back into my light snack.

Light? Yea sure keep telling yourself that

"So is this what you do when I'm not around Sweetness?" A deep voice behind me asked.

I choked on my bite of ranch flavored goodness, and turned wide eyed to face my gorgeous boyfriend that had just witnessed me eating like a pig. I put my food down and wiped my mouth on a napkin. I put my food in the microwave because I didn't need him asking for any of my food. I was never gonna share.

"Forget you saw any of that or else." I threatened pointing my finger at him.

He put his hands up in surrender. "Saw what baby?" He asked innocently.

"So what beings you over here unannounced bub?" I asked crossing my arms. I wanted to change the conversation from my weird eating habits.

He smiled at me for a second.

"Oh yeah that. I came over because I wanted you to give me some attention babe. I was starting to die without it. Also I want cuddles."

I shook my head and rolled my eyes at his dramatics.


I smiled pleased that he wanted my attention and wanted to be around me.

"Hey don't get mad at me. You're the one that has spoiled me with all your love and affection for the past several months. If I don't get your undivided attention at least three times a day now, I could die. You're the same way too. Don't even try and lie about it either."

I placed a finger on his juicy lips and shushed him. "This ain't about me and my wants." I whispered.

He laughed and tried to bite my finger. Luckily I pulled away quick enough.

"Hey don't get hasty nigga. If you break it you buy it."

Ty smirked, so I just knew he was thinking of something sexual about what I said in his big head.

"Nope. Nah uh, keep whatever you are thinking in that big head of yours to yourself."

"No fair. You always get to say the nasty things you're thinking, but you never let me do it."

He pouted his lips at me. I couldn't resist pecking him on lips three times for good luck. That had become a new thing for me to do.

"Why do you always kiss me like that? You didn't used to."

I shrugged. "I just really think it gives me good luck."

"Do you feel lucky..punk?" Tyrie was laughing like what he said was that funny. I almost felt sad for him.

"That was so corny. It was pop corny, corny on the cob, kettle corny." I snorted at that. I'm so funny.

He stalefaced me and looked me up and down. He told me how disappointed he was in me. I flipped him off and went back to my food.

He slapped his palms on the counter. I jumped and almost dropped my food.

"Bro what the fuck? Why are you so extra?"

He just shrugged.

"I don't know why are you so beautiful?"

I bit my lip so I wouldn't smile. I rolled my eyes and put my empty plate in the sink. I headed upstairs and he followed me. He pinched me on the butt, but I ignored him because he was feeling goofy today. We got to my bedroom. My room looked a mess to be honest. My walls are bare, my carpet was rolled up and leaning against the wall, boxes were everywhere. Some boxes had things in the but I still had a long way to go.

"Damn. You haven't finished packing babe?"

"Well see what happened was I was going to finish but I got really lazy and began thinking. I thought it would be better if you helped me. Please and thank you." I grinned widely. He might as well say yes because he can't say no.

Ty sighed and grabbed an empty box of my floor. I clapped out of excitement and went to empty my closet. Ty then started putting all the things from my underwear drawer in the box. I was taking all the things off the hangers and folding them before dropping them in the box.

Soon my mind started wandering and doubts started forming.

"Baby?" I called.

"Do you think we can do this? Going off on our own I mean."

He looked at me stopping his work. "Why? You having doubts about this or about us?"

I quickly shook my head. "No I just want to know. What happens if we mess up by leaving?

"Then we mess up. It happens in life, just cause we mess up doesn't mean we aren't doing what needs to be done. We ain't kids anymore, so we can act like kids. We gotta leave the nest sometime baby. We can't nurture our minds nor our relationship living at home with our parents." He walked over and grabbed my hands. "I understand that you're nervous. Don't let that stop you from accomplishing your dreams. Don't let it stop you from coming with me and beginning the rest of our lives together. Please. "

"Don't worry baby. I won't I was just asking. You know how curious I am." I laughed nervously. I did not want him thinking I wanted out of the relationship because I really don't. I just don't want to leave home and go states away just to fail.

I wanted everything to be perfect in the long run. I knew it would be hard but that is what I have wanted since I was ten years old. Nothing can make me change that. I was not going to fail. I could not. I would not.

I blew out a heavy breath and looked up at his hazel eyes again. "Let's hurry up and pack. I want to leave on time to start our future. Together."


I know I know. "Where the fuck have you been?" Shit everywhere. Nowhere. Somewhere. Just not here to type. I have no ideas as you can see from the shitty chapter. GUVE ME INSPIRATION PLEASE



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