Chapter *43*

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The food court here was huge. I was running to the line for Mandarin Express. This is the only exercise I'm going to get today. I only exercise when I walk to the fridge or run my mouth. Plus you have to rush to places like this before the line gets incredibly long.

"What you want ma'am?" The lady asked me.

"Manager special please. "

"Make that two manager specials." I look over my shoulder at Tyrie. He shot me a look.

"I love how you literally ran from me to get food by yourself. That was good girlfriend behavior." He said sarcastically.

I laughed nervously. "See what really happened was. . . I made the executive decision to leave you because I didn't want the food to g-get cold and...umm yeah."

"Mhmm. Run away from me again and I'm gone give you a real reason to try and run."

My eyes got wide. I clutched my imaginary pearls and waved my hand trying to get rid of these spirits.

I cleared my throat and turned back to the lady that had been waiting.

"Umm uh I'll have the bourbon c-chicken, and uhh the broccoli with beef, and half rice half noodles. Also, please add an egg roll."

I am still working on becoming more confident when ordering food and talking to strangers. I felt a little relief when she barely blinked at me and took Tyrie's order. 

"Okay okay you will pay?"

"No he will since he wants to be extra today." He side eyed me but got his wallet out anyway.

I grabbed my bags and my food, and went to find an abandoned booth to sit this stuff down. I looked around the place and started getting a little nervous. I felt like people were looking at me just standing there. I saw a table close by and rushed to take a seat. As soon as I was seated, I began to feel a lot better. My skin felt tingly like it does when someone stares at you, but i tried to ignore that. 

Ty was paying for our food still. I felt a little bad for making him pay. I'll just sneak just money into his pocket or something later. 

Deciding to wait for him be done, I played Episode on my phone. I was obsessed with this app for all the wrong reasons. It was  so toxic.

I was on the edge of my seat with this app. The stories were so out of pocket sometimes. You go from being a simple school nerd, to being called a whore by your crush when's he finds out you fucked his brother. Child the messiness of it all. I had almost finished the episode when he found me.

"Why did you get a table? I thought you liked the booths. "

I shrugged and put my phone away. I gave him my full attention.

"It didn't matter."

He squinted his eyes but let me go. "You didn't start eating yet? Are you okay?"

"Yea I just wanted to wait for you, so we can eat together." My cheeks got hot. He still made me nervous after several months of being together. I was fidgeting in my seat. He smiled at me in a way that made my heart warm up.

"Thanks pretty girl, but you didn't have to."

"It would be rude if I didn't even after you bought the food. Speaking of food, let's eat."

At that we both dug into our meals. The first forkful of food had me wanting to work in the mall, so I could eat this everyday. To me there is nothing better than stuffing my face with my favorite food when my uterus is trying to kill me. I try to make it a habit of giving myself any food i want when I'm on my monthly.

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