Chapter *12*

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We stayed in that closet all through the first four periods. We snuck out when the luch bell rung. I am starving and craving some chicken nuggets. We only had an hour to eat and I can't wait for much longer for food .

"Pleaseee, Ty." I whined in his ear.

"No bruh. Get off me with all that childish shit. "

"Not until you say yes. If you do I'll be your best friend. "

"We already best friends. "

"That should make you say yes then. "

I am currently begging Tyrie to just take us to any fast food place, so I could get my nuggets. He kept saying no, so I climbed on his lam in the car. Of course I didn't sit on him or anything. I just won't let go of him or move so he can't see well enough to drive. We have been on the curb next to the school for a few minutes. What can I say? I really want some nuggets.

"Tae no. I said I'm taking you out for lunch, and going to McDonald's or Wendy's ain't lunch. Now sit back and act your fucking age!"

I slide from off him, crossed my arms, and faced the window. I don't even want to look at his ugly palm tree looking ass any more. He could have gotten my nuggets.

"Girl uncross your arms and stop pouting. Now, or else we not getting any food at all. "


"Fine. "


We finally pulled up to this old fifty's looking diner. In big letters was the word Sally's. When we walked in the hostess ,which was a cute asain girl, seated us.

"Right this way sir." She said without acknowledging me. She lead the way swinging her little twelve year old hips.

She kept glancing at Tyrie the whole time. She is really pissing me off. She spending all her time looking at him, and acting rude towards me.

Bitch get fucked up today. You should know better than to try and get a man that ain't yours.

Once we were seated, a handsome waitor walked up to the table. He wasn't the same handsome as Tyrie.

He had a mature look to him. He was dark skin with dark brown eyes, waves, and big lips. His height was the same as Tyrie's, and he had just a little more muscle. Not to mention he had some of the longest eye lashes that I've ever seen on a boy.

"What would you guys like to order today?"

My lord his voice was deep and he had nice white teeth. I think I might become a puddle right in this booth.

"Umm, I'll have a chicken sandwich, extra mayo. Also a side of curly fries and a vanilla shake."

I gave myself a mental pat on the back for not screwing up my words in front of two cute guys. He nodded and scribbled down my order.

"Good choice beautiful. And you?" He asked turning to Tyrie.

I looked at Ty to see him glaring at him. He kept his hands in tight fists on top of the table. He wasn't saying anything, so I spoke up.

"He'll have the deluxe cheeseburger with extra bacon, a side of steak fries, and a strawberry milk shake."

I snatched Tyrie's menu and shot him a look when he grumbled at me.

"Coming up beautiful."

"Thank you," I glanced at his name tag and smiled," James."

"My pleasure, ma." He winked at me and left.

We waited patiently for our orders for a little while. Tyrie was the first one to speak.

"What the fuck did that nigga think he was doing?"

"He didn't do anything. You need to chill out."

He sat back and slouched in his seat. He kept mumbling under his breath.

"Hush. You can't talk about him when that Asian girl was looking at you like she could eat you. It's not my fault if he finds me attractive."

"That girl is nothing to think about. And if ol' dude finds you beautiful then good. But try not to fuck him right here in front of everyone."

I was about to speak until James came back with our food. It smelt delicious and looked great. I thanked him and tasted the chicken first.

Mmm, how have I lived without this? I'm coming here everyday until the day I die.

I was almost done with the last of my shake and Tyrie had yet to talk again. He kept typing on his phone. Over time he would smirk or laugh, but he never talked.

"Come on Shant'A, I'm taking you back to school."

He slipped his phone back in his pocket and started getting out of the booth. I hadn't finished my shake, and he had barely touched his food. He through some money on the table and walked away.

"Where are you are going then?"

We got in the car and drove off before he even acknowledged my question. If he want to be fucking rude I can walk.

"I'm going to chill with a friend of mine."

A hoe.

"Is this friend a girl?"

"What's that got to do with you? We're not talking or anything, so why do you care?"

I got out of the care without answering. I walked into school and didn't look back at him.

You can call me when you get your head out your ass.

I know this is short. I don't have much to add to this sadly. I'll come back with something better next time. 930 words, yay!

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