Chapter *5*

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I can't wait to get to this pep rally. I'm about to get lit as fuck.

We all got out of 7th period to go to the gym. I lost Tyrie on the way. One of his friends he made yesrerday came and grabbed him. They walked away before Tyrie could say anything, but after they started to leave I saw his friend look at me with disgust. I hate when people judge me based on looks. Like you're not that great looking either nigga.Sadly, that's life for everyone.

Our school gym is a decent size. We actually had a big event in here before. Place was super packed.

Music was blasting from the speakers. The football team was sitting by the basketball team. The cheerleaders were with their coach. La'Kiesha was with them, as she should be since she's the co-captain. Cliche right.

I personally think their shorts are too short but oh well. The majorettes to me are the best part. Most of them are thicker like me, but flexible. I can't even do a split.

I quickly found a seat by the rails in my grade zone. Looking for Tyrie I found him with some guys that usually bully me. They call me names and push me around everyday. Tyrie said that he was sitting with me, but I can't blame him for forgetting. Who would want to sit with phat Shant'A. The girl with a nice face, but huge rolls of fat on her stomach and back.

Before I started to cry I thought about something else. The dancers were killing it. A bigger girl with blonde crotchets did a split. The other dancer was a skinny girl whom I think is a junior. The football players started to get up and stare at the two girls dancing. There were going all out. It was so good I had to record it for IG.

After a few more songs and announcing the team members the cheerleaders came up. I admit they looked cute with black t-shirts on and camouflage pants, even La'Kiesha. I'd still beat her ass though.

They started nice with the school cheer, then a dance. The stunts were done nice too, the only thing was the next part. The DJ put on Timmy Turner and we went wild. The girls ran to the bleachers and started free styling. This hoe, Jazmin, ran to Tyrie and started to grind on his lap. I was fuming. Not because of him letting her, but because he grinded back. He was laughing like that shit was hilarious. It was to the rest of the school, even our dumbass teachers. Looking away I caught his friend's eyes. He realized it was me and smirked. I was glaring at him hoping to make a hole in his eyes. He moved his eyes from me to Tyrie. Tyrie had gone from laughing to biting his lip. The same lip I had thought about kissing before. Not anymore, I'm not going to let him in. We done before we even started. I thought he was nice, but he just another nigga that like to show his ass for attention. I don't want him as a friend if he like this with his boys.

Not only did he forget about me, but he acts like a hoe the first chance he gets. Little does he know that bitch got crabs. Fuck him.

Fuck me.

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