Chapter *9*

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I woke up with a hot heavy thing around me. Correction. I woke up with a hot heavy arm around me. Who is this? The arm was muscler and covered in tattoos. I slowly began to remember last night. Tyrie. He's in my bed,with me, sleeping. Okay heart, don't fail me now.

The sunlight was streaming in. My clock read 11:00 am in red numbers. Wow. I don't usaully sleep this late. Truthfully, that was the best sleep I have had in a while. I would sometimes have nightmares of the man chasing me in an open empty street, but last night I didn't. Feeling Tyrie against my back was comforting and made me feel safe.

I lifted up his arm, softly turning to face him. To put it short, he was beautiful. His body being much bigger than mine, and was like a blanket of warm muscles. His chest was rising up and down evenly, indicating that he was still sleeping. His caramel skin was clear and blemish free. Tyrie's sexy dreads hung over part of his handsom face. His jawline was sharp and covered with a trimmed beard. Without realizing, I reached up and moved the few dreads from his face. I was dissappointed that I couldn't see his pretty hazel eyes. They always seemed to take my breath away.

I sound like an anime character with a silly school girl crush

Of course the moment was ruined by me having to relieve my bladder. Duty calls, but he is so cute when he sleeps. Okay that sounds really creepy. Oh well, I'll never get a view like this again.

I shook his shoulder once, but he wouldn't wake up. He was sleeping like a log.


Three times.

I got ready to get up because I really had to pee when he tightened his grip.

"Bestfriend. Wake up." I whisper yelled near his ear.

No use. He wouldn't move at all. I knew he was awake now because his breathing was different. I thrashed about trying to break free, but the nigga is too freaking strong. I started yelling then he tickled my sides. I laughed sp hard that tears were coming to eyes.

"Stop! For real please I really have to pee. Please. Let me go! Please!"

"No." It came out really muffled since his head was facing the pillow.

"Yes unless you want me to pee on you."

"Sigh. Fine, but be quick."

I kissed my teeth mugging him. I was at the bathroom door but stopped.

"Whatever. This my house anyway. Not yours, but mine."

"Yea this your house but you're my bestfriend. Mine."

I looked at him from the corner of my eye. Truth be told, I liked the sound of being his.

"Whatever nigga. Hurry up and get dressed."

After I was done with my business and washing up, Ty and I went down for breakfast. There was a note on the fridge from Oli.

Sis im working till 8 today, so money for food is on the counter. Mama said she gone call u later
Ps dont get pregnant

He is so stupid. Why didn't he just text me.

I showed the note to Ty and he just looked at me then laughed. It was kinda hurtful that he just didn't see me like that. I shook off the thought. I was just feeling desperate for male attention or something.

"So you want to do something?" I asked over my shoulder while popping some toaster strudels in the toaster.

"Like what ma?"

The image of Ty and I cuddled up came to mind. I really wanted to chill with him. Plus I felt so safe in his arms, but he might not want to spend that much time around me though. I didn't want to come off as clingy seeing as we just met.

"Umm well I thought maybe we could go out to eat and come back and watch movies. You know chill. "

Tyrie looked off for a few seconds with this look. Then he nodded.

"Oh ok cool. So like a date?"

I choke on my orange juice and shake my head.

What the fuck. That is not what I said.

"No. I meant best friends just chilling cause we ain't got anything else to do. Just enjoying each other's company. "

Tyrie and I are at the store getting snacks for our movie night. I'm pushing the cart through the aisle, and he is just stuffing candy and cookies in the basket. Not that I don't want it, but I really can't afford all this.

"Ty stop, I can't buy all this food."

He ignores me and puts a bag of Takis in the cart. I take it back out. He puts it back in. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Ou-

"Okay shit, it isn't that big of a deal. I'll buy all the food. I wasn't gone let you pay anyway."

"Okay. Sorry. I'm kind of freaking out a little. I'm just nervous about finally having a friend after so long. I spend most of the time by myself, this is all new. I never had anyone to share special times with me. J don't wanna push you away by being too eager or clingy."

His arms wrapped around me in a warm hug. I sigh feeling what I felt the first time we hugged. He kisses my forehead and lets go.

"It's okay bae, I understand. You always had to do things for yourself not having anyone there your own age. Just know, now that you have me you ain't never gone be alone again. As long as I'm here, I'm always going to take care of you. Plus I like all that clingy shit. It's adorable especially from you. You need to get this shit through your head ma. You're my best friend, and I ain't never letting you go."

Never let me go.

998 words, not that bad.

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