Chapter *39*

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I woke up from being shook. I blinked my eyes and saw the morning light filling my room. Charm was leaning over my face.

"Pretty T wake up."

"I'm up now. How long have you been awake?"

I sat up and pushed my back on the headboard. My hair was all over the place and my lips were chapped.

"I just woke then I woke you up."

I yawned and scratched me head. Today was wash day and my scalp was so ready for some deep cleaning.

"Well now that we're both up, let's go wake you're brother and make him take us to breakfast."

Charm was on his left and I was on the right. We both held pillows over our heads. Ty was about to get a real wake up call.

I nodded and mouthed a countdown.




"Don't even try it."

We automatically got spooked and backed up. His eyes were closed and his breathing was calm. I didn't even realize he had woken up.

Charm put her pillow down. I still held mine though. She might not want a punishment, but I will most likely enjoy mine. He knows that more than anyone.

"Gorgeous, if I open my eyes to see any kind of weapon, you will be sorry."

So I did what any girlfriend should do.

I waited until he opened his eyes.

Then, I hit him.

And ran.


I ran upstairs, but I knew he was following. I could hear his heavy footsteps and Charm laughing at us. Before I could get into my bedroom he grabbed me. I was thrown over his shoulder.

I couldn't even worry about me weight hurting him because I got a shockingly loud slap on the ass. I gasped. It was so loud my parents could have heard from down the hall.

"Ow. Tyyy why'd you have to hit it so hard? To you think my dad heard the sound."

He put me down like my weight was nothing.

"Most definitely, so I suggest you get dressed quickly before he comes out. We're escaping to IHOP before he kills me. I'll send Charm up to change."

I was in a real rush to get dressed. For obvious reasons. I just grabbed anything really. I probably should have looked at the clothes before I wore them outside.

I wasn't comfortable showing my midriff with this crop top. I'm lucky the high waisted jeans left something to the imagination. I had left a black leather jacket in Tyrie's car. It went great with my shoes. I was a little dressed up for IHOP, but whatever.

Ty looked scrumptious as always. I almost hate that he always, without fail, looks good in anything he wears. He could wear a romper, and I bet he would get compliments.

 He could wear a romper, and I bet he would get compliments

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