Chapter *28*

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After everything that went down before Christmas break Tyrie and I have been in a great place. We both apologized to one another. At first he didn't think I forgave him completely. I said he would be forgiven if he gave me this best head of my life. Of course he didn't disappoint.

Besides that, I spent Christmas Eve at his house and we spent celebrated the new year at mine.

I was surprised to receive a gift from not just him, but his mother too. She had gotten me a beautiful gold bracelet that has an emerald,my birth stone, on it. I told her that my mom had gotten me a purity ring with the same jewel just the year before.

In return I gave her a set of Calvin Klein perfumes. My own mother had received a Chanel set of fragrances.

I didn't forget about little Charm though. She was becoming like a little sister to me already. I love her so much that I had to spoil her a little. Since she was so young picking out her gift was easy. I bought her an Easy Bake Oven and a little chef's outfit. She was adorable in it.

 She was adorable in it

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Pif of the outfit ^^^

I gave Tyrie's his gift last on Christmas Eve. We both agreed to give each other simple gifts that weren't too expensive. Imagine his face when I hand him a huge and heavy box wrapped in shiny blue paper and a smaller box with a silver ribbon. I said he could open it then, but he insisted on him opening it the next morning. I told him that his gift had to be opened then.

I smiled remembering how his eyes lit up when he pulled the sleeping husky puppy out of the box. His mom said she had never seen him bond to something so quickly besides me. I of course just waved her comment off laughing. I thought to get Tyrie a puppy because he needed someone to keep up with energy in a way that I just can't. We had spoken before about what we'd do if we ever came into spendable money. I said I'd have to blow a bag in the nearest outlet mall. Tyrie had a strong stance on purchasing a husky puppy and training it himself.

"WHAT the fuck? Shunt'A you got me a dog? How you even find a dog like him around here? I'm so confused."

He got up to kiss me, but made sure not shift the puppy too much

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He got up to kiss me, but made sure not shift the puppy too much.

"How old is he? Wait is it a he?" His mother asked patting the dog's head and cooing when he yawned.

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