Chapter *25*

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So it was Saturday and also the first time I would be tutoring DeAndre. I did end up texting him and we agreed that we would meet at my house. There was no way in hell that I would be alone in his house with him. I may be agreeing to help him, but I still don't trust that nigga.

He would be here at 12:00 and it was 11:30 now. Tyrie was at work now, but he would be off in a couple hours. He asked, no stated that he would be here before we finished at 3:00. Tyrie came right out and said that he doesn't trust DeAndre alone with me for too long. I had to agree with him on that.

I looked around the living room where we would be studying and sigh in frustration. Oliver had his friends over yesterday. They all left before picking up after themselves.

"Grown ass niggas can't even put they dishes in the sink. It's like twenty feet away."I grumbled.

Finally, after putting the dishes in the sink, cleaning the table, picking up chip bags and soda cans, and sweeping. I was finished with the living room. I took a seat on the couch to rest my feet a bit.

"My back hurts like a bitch." I sighed and cracked my back.

I meant to only rest for five minutes, but five turned into fifteen. Now I only had five minutes before the jackass would be here. I rushed upstairs to make sure I was presentable. Don't get me wrong. DeAndre is an ain't shit ass nigga, but company is company. I try to always present my best or most decent self. I was barely finished with applying another layer of lip gloss when the doorbell rang.

Unsurprisingly, he stood on my porch with a dumbass smirk on his dumbass face. My eyes traced his outfit one time. He had on a Nike cap that matched his slides, plain white T-shirt, and some gym shorts.

"You done checking a nigga out now?"

"I wasn't checking you out. I was just starring at your ashy knees." I said blinking with a blank look. I probably looked like I had bitch face, but on the inside I was rolling. His knees were ashy as fuck for real. How he gone think somebody looking at him, with his knees looking like cocaine? Lol he tried it.

The best part of it was the look on his face afterward. Side note though, if you want to stop a conversation with irrelevant people just point out something about there appearance that isn't . . .right. It doesn't have to be offensive. It just has to cause them to stop talking and worry about themselves. For example, ashy knees, chapped lips, dry hands. Just something simple and harmful. Make sure you say it straight faced though or it won't work. I know it isn't the nicest thing ever but I never said to say hurtful things to people unprovoked.

Twenty minutes have gone by and DeAndre is getting on my past nerve. He would not focus on the work no matter how many times I told him to. He keeps checking his phone or he'll just sit there looking at the question. Like nigga, the question ain't gone answer itself. I'm really getting tired of him.

"Aye can you get me some juice or something?"

I whipped my head around so fast that I hurt my neck. That was my last nerve.


He looked up from his phone for the first time in a while. Raising his eyebrows he repeated himself.

"I said can you get me something to drink. Damn you can't hear?"

I took a deep breath and counted to ten. After deciding that he isn't worth going to jail over I spoke slowly and in a calm manner.

"Bitch I heard what you said. I'm just trying to figure out how you think I'm going to do anything for you. You haven't done any work that I give you, you don't even try to listen when I'm explaining something, and this is my house so why should I serve you. Now if you want some water there's a corner store down the street. They sell bottles for two dollars. Please let the door hit you on the way out."

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