Chapter *62*

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"Look I'm telling you, lesbian sex is so exhausting. You literally go on for several hours. My stamina ain't built for that." Bonnie said sighing.

I choked on the Smoothie King I was sipping and frantically patted my chest. Mikayla told her off for startling me like that.

I waved them off. "I'm fine. I-I I just wasn't expecting all that."

Bonnie shrugged. "Well you asked how our night went." She laughed. "I thought you wanted all the details."

I shook my head with red cheeks. I honestly need to know that much about them. I think I'm scarred now.

We had been shopping and chatting it up at the mall for a couple hours with little to no items bought. After a while we just decided to get some food at the mall and rest our feet.

"So sweetheart how did your night go with Mr.Jones?" Mikayla asked in a suggestive way wiggling her eyebrows.

My cheeks got warm and I fought with myself to not smile too big.

"Aww look at her baby. That smile could be seen from a mile away." Bonnie said hitting her girlfriend on the shoulder out of excitement. "Your man must be putting some serious work in for you to be sitting there looking like the Cheshire Cat."

I laughed and shook my head at her before she got the wrong idea. "No we didn't do...that. We had a really romantic and relaxing evening when we went out and got home yesterday. He just acted like the boy I first met in high school. He was charming, sweet, attentive. That's why he's my best friend, he cares about me." I bit down on my straw and avoided their eyes in case they could see how much I felt like a fan of that man.

"With the way you talk about him is be expecting you to say that he was your knight in shining armor or something. I don't know you both that well but your relationship seems really healthy. Both you and Tyrie are equally happy."

"I'd like to think we are." I said.

"You're both really cute. It's an odd pairing, but it just makes sense." Mikayla said looking down at her phone.

I tensed up unconsciously at that. What was she getting at?

"Odd how?" She looked up at me confused at my tone. "Is it because he's more conventionally attractive than me? You've never seen a fat girl with a guy like him?"

It came off defensive and probably rude. I didn't mean to put words in her mouth. I'm so used to weird looks and snide remarks about my relationship at this point it was second nature to defend it.

Her face changed and she looked guilty. She reached across the table and grabbed my hand. "Ohh honey no. That's not at at what I meant. I mean that he's so high strung and energetic, while you're more cool and laid back. I never meant to make you feel that way."

"She's sorry of it came off that way." Bonnie added. "Her not I would never set out to make you feel bad about yourself or your body. We're women that support other women not put them down."

I took another sip of my drink to moisten my dry throat. I felt like shit. "No I'm sorry Mikayla. I shouldn't have put those words in your mouth. I'm just insecure about myself and I'm not used to people outside of my relationship and our families treating me like we belong together." I grabbed her hand back finally.

"It's all good, love."

Bonnie clapped her hands together. "Period. Now that that's all cleared up how about we hit the rest of these stores? Forever 21 is calling my full government name!"

We laughed at her and got our trash and already heavy shopping bags. We just stopped shopping for a quick bite now we were off to shop our asses off.

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