Chapter *8*

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After we made up Tyrie ended up staying over longer. Boy claims he wants to get to know me more. I wasn't opposed to getting to know him more. Now that I think about it, we call each other bestfriend. Yet we know barely anything about each other. All we both know is that we got mad chemistry between us, on a friend level. I said we should play twenty questions since it was the easiest way to get to know someone in a short time. He thought that it was just for white people, that if you black you just ask. I told him to shut the fuck up and play. Now we're here on the couch drinking kool-aid and eating leftover ham.

Greens, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, lamb, ham, hogs, dogs. 😂😂

"Okay Tae, you go first."

"Umm, full name?"

"Easy shit. Tyrie Lamont Deacon Jones. Favorite color? Mine is green."

"My favorite color is orange, but I love black and teal or mint. Favorite thing to eat?"


"Ew..I meant your favorite edible food."

"Ohh well then be more specific then cause I eat both. I mean you were making me feel starved earlier without your clothes on. But I love smoked turkey drumsticks. Don't ask me why because I don't even know."

I have to admit that hearing him say that he found me the tiniest bit attractively was a little boost of confidence for my already fragile ego. Also I wanted to ask why the fuck he chose turkey legs ass a favorite food instead of something regular like spaghetti, but didn't want to seem judgy.

Soon our questions got a little more deep and thoughtful.

"If you could be any shape what shape would you be?"

"What family member would you bring back to life and why?"

"What is one of your greatest regrets?"

After a while, rain started falling down hard. It was making me sleepy just hearing it. I always found the sound of a storm calming. I get some of the best sleep when it storms. It's like nature's white noise.

"Pretty girl am I that boring that you're going to fall asleep? Damn I can't get a good night first."

"I'm sorry Tyrie, I'm just sleepy because of the rain. We can finish the game now." I said yawning.

"Nah if you sleepy just go to bed then. Imma be out." He kissed my forehead getting up from the couch.

I heard thunder and saw lighting flash outside. There was no way he was driving back home in this storm. He'll just have to stay the night here. I don't want to lose the first real friend I had in years. Bitches be driving crazy on the roads these days.

"Ty you can't drive in that weather. You can just stay here till the morning. It isn't a school night, so your ma dukes should be cool. Tell her you staying over with oliver."

He got a small smirk on his lips when he turned to me. He got closer to me and held my hand. I raise my brow at him. The fuck he doing?

"And where I'm gone sleep?"

I walked closer, swaying my hips. When our chest were barely touching I stopped. On my tip toes I whispered in his ear, which turns out to be his hot spot

"The couch."

I got Tyrie a pillow and two blankets. I almost laughed at the little sexy pout that he wore. He must have thought he would sleep with me in my bed.

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