Chapter *40*

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I was feasting like royalty. My food was delicious despite the previous bad service. I had been craving foods like waffles and bacon lately. My two moods are either sweet or savory.

I cut a huge piece of pancake and stuffed it into my mouth.

"Mmm.", I moaned.

I could die happy knowing that I got to eat this as a last meal.

"Chill out with those moans. I'm starting to get jealous." , Ty laughed.

I looked up at him under my eyelashes. I didn't respond. I just sipped my juice thinking of the ways he made me moan.

"Tyty why would you be jelly-ous?"

He grinned at her cute way of speaking.

"It's not jelly-ous princess. Jealous."


He nodded. "Right."

"Why would you be jealous of her moaning about food. Do you want to eat it instead?"

I choked on my drink. I patted my chest and tried to calm down. I could tell that my face had gotten hot. Partly from the choking, and also from how quickly my mind thought negatively about what a four year old said. I need some church.

Tyrie looked concerned, but his eyes were bright. He knew why the fuck I was choking.

"Are you good Pretty T?" She said patting my back.

"Yea baby I'm fine. Something just got caught in my throat."

"Not yet." Tyrie mumbled taking a bite of his omelet.

I shot him a glare and made sure that Charm didn't hear. Nothing was gonna be in my throat anytime soon if he messes around anymore today. I will not be explaining how babies are made to a four year old because of him.

"Hmm what did you say?"

He shook his head smirking at me.

"Nothing pretty girl."

"That's exactly what you're getting tonight; nothing. And don't ask me what I mean because you know."

His face fell.I cackled maniacally at his hurt puppy dog face. He makes the cutest little face when he knows that he night get blue balls. You might call me evil. I call it comedy gold.

I wiped my mouth on a napkin. I left to the bathroom to reapply my lip gloss. The bathroom was actually pretty clean. A few other women were in there with me. A red headed woman and an Asian women kept staring at me the whole time I was in there. They were making me nervous as hell staring like that. I want to appear more confident, so I made eye contact with them through the mirror.

The red head rolled her eyes and spoke first.

"Why do you keep staring at us weirdo? Are you a stalker or something?"

The both laughed like that was the funniest they had ever heard. I was beyond confused. Who the Hell wants to have a whole conversation in the public bathroom? Having a talk surrounded by dooky air is disgusting. Being disturbed didn't help me stand up for myself though.

"Uh you stared at me first. I would never want to stalk you. You really don't seem that interesting."

The Asian gasped obnoxiously. By now you could see how confused I was. Also I was taking way too long in here. Tyrie was gonna start to think I was taking a shit or something.

"Wow for a fat girl you aren't very nice. I thought that you people were supposed to be jolly or merry."

At that I headed to leave. My head was starting to hurt and my ears were ringing from their high pitched voices .

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