Chapter *18*

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It was the day of Tyrie's football game. I decided to dress up a little just for him. He had given me his second jersey because he wanted me to wear it tonight. I accepted it even though I was nervous about what everyone would think when they see me wearing it.

I am always super nervous about bringing attention to myself. I know that wearing this jersey and cheering for Ty will do just that. I'll have to worry about that later I guess.

I remember the first and only time I ever went to a school football game. It was my sophomore year. My "friends" had conviced me to go to the first game of the season. They had claimed it would cheer me up after a previous breakup I had. I foolishly went expecting to spend time with them. I get there and get texts saying they were all cancelling last minute. So there I was, stranded at the school. I didn't call my parents to pick me up because I didn't want to explain to them how much of a loser their daughter was.

I tried to focus on the game, but it was hard because I could hear the whispers about who I was and why I was there even over the cheers from the parents in the stands. No one talked to me all night. Once the game was over, I was waiting on my mom to pick me up.

I remember it being so dark and cold that I could see my breath. Next thing I knew, Lakeisha and a group of girls who I could swear were cheerleaders came up to me. They called me names, and when I tried to ignore them they spit on me. I called one of them a bitch and they decided to jump me.

No broken bones or anything thank God. Just some really bad bruises and a bloody lip.

I stayed in bed for the next three days. My mom tried to have them expelled, but one of the girl's aunt was the vice principal. They were given 10 day suspensions and a slap on the wrist. It was one of those times where I learn that no one would have my back except me.


Walking into Mrs.Rick class was exciting and nerve-racking. I wanted Ty to think I looked good.  Honestly, I still didn't feel as worthy as I should to be his girlfriend.  I knew he cared about me, but sometimes I think he shouldn't. Tyrie could have any girl in this school; white, black, or anything in between.

Everywhere I go there are girls whispering about wanting what's mine. What makes me more valuable than them?

I walked in and Tyrie was sitting in his seat next to mine. He was turned around facings his boys talking about whatever niggas talk about.

When I walked up his rude ass friends started to whisper and act weird. They were saying slick stuff I bet. Probably saying things I would find disrespectful. Tyrie obviously must not have heard them or else he would have gone crazy.

Tapping him on the shoulder I look away and wait for his reaction. I hear his chair screeching and sigh in relief when he wraps his arms around me.

"Damn guh. You look better in my jersey than I do."

He looked me up and down and took time to bite his lip.

"You like it, baby?" I asked with an innocent look.

His hands tightened around my waist, bringing me closer, before he replied. "Hell yeah. Fuck if I like it, I love it."

I gave him a peck on the lips. I softly caressed the side of his face while unconsciously rubbing his lower back. When the bell rung I hastily rub his beard and bring him closer by his chin for another kiss.

Tyrie bit my bottom lip and gripped my wide hips. "Damn I bet you look better without my jersey on." After receiving a slap on the ass, I sat down right when Ms. Rick starts the lesson.

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