Chapter *19*

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Good news and bad news.

Good news is that we won the game 40 to 28.

Bad news is that Tyrie pulled a muscle in his calve.

So he'll be resting easy for a little while. The doctor took a look at it and said he'll be fine, but that he should ease up on walking too much.

Tyrie, being the overly excited man that he is, rejects that idea. I'm starting to think he had ADHD. Too bad for him because I'll be there to make sure he doesn't stand for pretty much the whole weekend.

We're at his house alone while his mom is at work. Charm is at a play date with one of her friends from pre-k. He wants to go upstairs but I refuse to let him until he takes his medicine and a nap.

"Baby the doctor said it was a very small injury. Incredibly minor. That means it's not a big deal, and I don't need to take some stupid pain medication."

"No Tyrie. He wouldn't have prescribed it if you didn't need it. Take this damn medicine before I choke you with it. After that, only then we can take a nap together."

"Fine but after I do we going upstairs to sleep in my bed because I ain't sleeping on this hard ass couch." He sighed.

He snatched the pills out my hand so I mugged him.

"Boy don't buck me. It isn't my fault you gotta take them because some big nigga that look like he's in the fifteenth grade tried to tackle you. You didn't have to jump over him and pull a muscle being flashy."

Tyrie folds his arms and sticks out his bottom lip. I stare at him trying to decide if I should find this cute or annoying. I stood my ground with him. He wasn't getting out of taking these damn pills.

He grumbles," When you said that you'll be my personal nurse I assumed it would be more fun...and sexier. Not you drugging me and forcing me to sleep with you. Bill Cosby much?"

I almost spit a little bit when I laughed at that. Gross, I know, but he was killing me.

"Come on boy. Let's go upstairs."

Standing up as straight as he can without putting too much pressure on his leg. I put his arm around my neck to support some of his weight.

I heard him intake a harsh breath. I knew he was in a lot of pain right now. I wanted to take all the pain away.

"Amazing Tae really. First, making me swallow a drug that makes me numb and sleepy. Now, forcing me upstairs. Thank God your mama don't know what a sexual deviant you are."

I shake my head and wonder why God did this to me.

Why God? Why did you trap me with him?

"Well let's go lay down, so you can do naughty things to me."

Guess the medicine is kicking in.


"Tyrie go to sleep. Please."

"No. Nut till yuh cuddle with meh."

"If I do that, then I could hurt your leg. I'll still be in the bed we just can't cuddle."

"But how I'm 'possed to sleep when you nut up on meh?"

"Tyrie you took that medicine so you're talking all wierd. You obviously feel tired, so go to sleep. I'm right here if you need." I laid down on the rarest edge away from.

He sits up and looks at how far I am from him on the bed and frowns. I raise an eyebrow at him daring him to move me.

He grabs ahold of my waist and yanks me right up against him. His body heat is touching me and makes me feel really warm inside. Roughly grabbing my left thigh, he moves my left leg to where my leg lays over his middle. My pelvis was touching his side, but I don't think he noticed.

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