Chapter *35*

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School was coming to a close. My birthday was the weekend now I am back in this hell hole. Thank almighty that we only have a week left. Senior year has been the best year for me personally. I've met a nice boy, come out of my shell more, become an adult, and explored different styles. Not to mention dealt with my mental health in healthier ways. I'm pretty sad it's ending so soon. Soon we'll have graduation and the summer before college.

Your girl is attending FSU in the fall! It is the perfect school for me. I always wanted a school near a coast. I'm going to study to become a veterinarian. I've loved helping and being near animals since I was little. If I don't become a veterinarian I'm definitely going to be a marine biologist. Even thought I can't swim for shit.

Enough about me though. I bet y'all are wondering about Tyrie and I. How we are going to make our relationship work if it's long distance.

He, at first, didn't think college wasn't for him. I convinced him to try and find something he would love to do for the rest of his life. I wasn't going to force him to go with me or tell him to follow me anywhere. I couldn't do that to him. Plus we had only been together for eight months, so I don't think our relationship is strong enough to have me beg him to move across the country just to be with me. Thankfully I won't have to.

I am ecstatic to announce that Tyrie will be attending Florida State University. He wants to study criminology and criminal justice. Yes honey, he's going to be a government man. My baby gone wear a suit. It's fuck twelve but in a different way when it's about him.

I asked his reason for choosing that major. He said that he wanted to hunt down bad people like Andriques and ensure they get put behind bars. He wanted to be a pillar in his community and bring back the notion that prison was supposed to be about rehabilitation instead of separation. I couldn't agree more. I'm glad we won't have to be too far from each other.

"Move out of the way fatty. Don't you see that other people need to get their hat and robes too? I don't need to be late because a beluga whale was in my way."

"Nice to see you too LaKiesha. Oh I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking."

I rolled my eyes and moved out of the line. The seniors are picking up our cap and gowns for graduation. LaKiesha and her goons have been behind me for 30 minutes talking their shit about me. I'm superseded they even graduated. I've never once seen any of them put a pen to a price of paper and we've been in the same schools since middle school.

I was okay about what they were saying because it's too close to summer to start anything with her. I am furious that she was worrying about what I'm doing with my life and my boyfriend. Why the fuck she still so worried about my blessing? Get it through your skull sis. He doesn't want you. You would think she'd know that by now. We've been together most of the school year.

I spot Tyrie and Chloe coming down the hall. They seemed to be in a very heated debate about something.

"Baby, didn't the chicken come before the egg?"

I was going to comment, but chose to stay quiet. I don't even want to get involved.

"No possible way Jones. The egg came first, or there wouldn't be a chicken at all."

"Well-", I began.

He shook his head at her with a disappointed look.

"If the egg came first, then what laid the egg?"

I sighed.

To be honest, I think that the chicken species was made from a combination of two different species. That natural selection took its course, and the first egg was laid. Chickens didn't exist. Then one day one was born. That's up for debate though.

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