Chapter *17*

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I hate Adam and Eve. Who else likes apples like them. I just don't see how it's fair for us women to suffer every month just because she wanted to listen to a talking snake. Just the fact the snake talks should have been a major red light. Because of her disobedient ass my uterus is trying to kill me.

To make it worse, it's Monday and I have school. Almost all my classes are on different halls every period.

"Pooh get up out that bed now. Your alarm been going off for awhile now."

Sigh. "Okay ma."

"Don't okay me, just get your ass up and get to school on time. . . and good morning princess."

So bipolar.

That was my mama, Tonya Bunnt. She was beautiful and chocolate. My mother was a couple of inches taller than me and much bigger. She's 53. . . I think. I stopped counting after 51. We had an okay relationship with each other. We don't fight, but we don't really try to talk. We have conversations, but most times when I talk to her she doesn't hear me or yells at me to talk louder. She claims that I mumble, but really it's that she tunes me out because I talk to myself sometimes. She literally told me that she purposely ignores me and what I say because she isn't sure when I'm talking to her or myself. Like, wtf.

Enough about my strained social skills. I put on some lotion that smelled like pineapple. My closet had nothing I wanted to wear. Since I was having my monthly torture, I knew white pants were out. I grab some black leggings that are bound to get me in trouble and a cropped sweater. I paired it with some Pumas and gold rim glasses.

Before I left out I took a picture of my outfit and sent it to Tyrie. I barely made it out the door before I received a text demanding that I changed pants. Lol nigga you thought.

We his car showed up at the house I slid in knowing he was upset that I did not change. Truth is that I want him to get mad. That shit sexy as fuck.

"Didn't I tell you to change bruh?"



Hmm? What that mean. I was expecting him to go off, but he quiet. Help me God. I'm low-key scared. Not scared scared but on edge. I mean damn, what the fuck hmm mean?

He was silent for the rest of the ride. After we got to school he opened my door for me without saying a word. He just gave me a kiss and handed me my backpack. I turn to leave and feel me soul practically leave my body. He just smacked my ass cheek that hard. I almost felt a tear. For some reason my first reaction was to bust out laughing. You ever been in some much pain that it becomes funny. You laugh to keep from crying, so you end up looking like a dying fool in pain. That is me right now. He hit it that hard.

Tyrie being the jackass that he is tried to 'help'. He wrapped his arms around me and started rubbing my booty. To others this might have looked very sweet, but to me it was his pettiness. He was rubbing it too hard on purpose. I was still laughing and shook my head at him.

"I'll get you back for this." I whispered.

His response was to squeeze my sore ass cheek which caused me to laugh harder. Hate him so much. But this my baby.

He kissed my neck and backed up. Tyrie wore his Joker grin on his face. He knew he had won because I am never wearing these pants again. Not if I'm gone have to sit on ice after wearing them.

"I like you too baby."

"Boi bye. I can't stand you bruh."

"But you like me though."

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