Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

It's Saturday morning, and I wake up to my phone buzzing. I roll over to glance at my clock and it's ten fifteen, so I answer the phone still half asleep. "Hello" I grumble.

"Mora, I told you that you had to be here at ten sharp!" My dad's voice is firm over the phone.

"Shit!" I scream out as I jump out of bed, now fully awake I run to my closet and dad screams back. "Do not use that language with me, and get here NOW!" and he hangs up quickly.

It's ten forty five when I finally make it to the shop. Dad pulls his head out from under an old pickup truck hood and is wiping his hands free of oil on an old stained up rag. He's pissed.

"I'm sorry dad. I didn't hear my phone go off." I say apologetically, and he doesn't even look at me.

"I gave you two extra hours. Anyone else would have to be here at eight. Just because you're my daughter doesn't give you the right to just show up when you want." I stand there and take it. "Just know it's coming out of your pay Mora." he's looking and pointing now as he says it.

Gosh he's so grumpy sometimes.

This summer dad asked me to work in the office at his mechanic shop. I really just help Lorene file invoices, and take phone calls. I don't think she really needs my help, but dad wanted me to have some responsibility.

"Hey kiddo." Lorene gives me a forgiving smile as I walk inside. She's in a blue vest, and boot cut jeans today. "I'm so sorry Lorene." I tell her.

"Oh, you're okay. It's Saturday after all. You should be able to sleep in a little." She winks at me.

"Tell that to dad." I huff, and she giggles, making me laugh with her.

I've known Lorene my whole life. She's always been working at the shop for us as long as I can remember. She's only about five years older than my dad. She has dark skin, and long silky black hair. Her eyes are a deep brown. She's absolutely gorgeous, and really like family to Conner and I.

"So Mora, what do you have planned tonight?" Lorene asks while I file appointments on the computer. "I'm not sure. Probably calling Emily to see if she wants to go see a movie or something." I'm waiting on the computer to load, while Lorene drinks her coffee.

"What's Scarlett doing tonight?" I stop what I'm doing and look up at her and roll my eyes.

She snorts. "Oh I see."

"Yes, if it doesn't include Conner then she's not interested." I start to say "and at this point I'm kind of glad Conner will be gone some so maybe I can get my best friend back." My computer finally comes to life, and I sign in.

"Ahh Mora, he'll be gone here really soon and you're going to miss him, and honestly this next month is going to fly by."

"Sure, I guess." I say knowing that she's absolutely right. I'm going to miss him so much and I'm not quite ready for that subject yet.

It felt like the day was never going to end. As soon as I'm off I call Emily to see what she's doing.

"Hey, you want to go to the movies. I hear there's this new romance comedy that's supposed to be really good."

"I would, but Zoe begged me to go to this party out at Lake Conroe, and I finally caved in."

"Oh" I answer. She comes back and asks "Will you please come. Everyone is supposed to be there."

I really don't want to go, so I get a little uneasy when I finally answer. "Nah, I think I'm going to stay in tonight. We just did this same thing last night."

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