Chapter Nineteen

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I wake up early Monday morning to get ready for school. Scarlett and I went shopping a few days ago for school clothes. I bought a cute beige summer dress that goes to my knees. It has a brown floral print that lays on top of it. I decide on my tan and brown wedges to wear with it, and to straighten my hair and pin one side behind my ear.

Aiden and I determined yesterday that I would ride with him to school. That's a pretty big deal for Aiden. I don't think I've ever seen him take any girl to school. I'm glad to know that he wants to take me.

Dads already left for work when Aiden calls me to let me know he's outside waiting on me. I walk outside and turn around to lock the deadbolt of the door when I hear him whistle at me. I smile before I turn around because I can't help but smile when I'm with him.

I skip to his jeep and open the door and give him a kiss once I'm in.

"Damn girl." he says to me and starts to pull off before I can get my seat belt all the way on.

He's wearing a short sleeve button up shirt, and dark washed out jeans with grey vans on. He recently got a haircut and looks so good.

"Aiden, I'm not ready for the summer to be over yet." I turn his radio down some. He's listening to Lauv on a Calum Scott Pandora station.

"Me either." He turns to look at me and takes my hand and seems to know exactly what I'm thinking. I love how I'm so comfortable and honest when I'm with him.

"Do you think that school will change us?" I look at him waiting on a response, and he moves his fingers over my hand.

"No. At least not for me. I'm in this for the long haul. I promise if anything is real, it's my feelings for you." he glances at me for a second before putting his eyes back on the road, and I can't help but grin.

Once we pull into the school parking lot I jump out of the jeep before Aiden makes it around to me, and he clasp on to my hand to hold it. It's then when I notice everyone staring at us. Of course everyone knew we were going out by social media and the parties, but I don't think anyone thought we were serious enough to make it to the school year.

"Damn. Is it just me, or is everyone staring at us?" Aiden can feel all the eyes on him too.

"No. They're staring. I guess they can't believe I landed a guy like you." I admit and he looks at me with disbelief.

"Are you kidding Mora. You do realize that you are totally hot, and I'm the one they can't believe landed you?" he says and all I can do is laugh.

"Okay..." I say and he stops walking for a second and brushes my cheek staring into my eyes.

"Can I kiss you right now?" he asks knowing that I'm not a fan for PDA but with everyone staring at me anyway, why not. I don't like PDA because I don't like the attention, but if i'm going to get it anyway might as well make it fun. I don't even answer him, but rush into him. He's taken back for a second, but then I can feel his lips smile up under my kiss. "Girl, the things you do to me." he pulls away, keeping my hand tight in his.

As soon as we get inside the cafeteria I see Scarlett sitting with Josh, and Shawn. It made me happy that Aiden's friends could coexist with mine.

"Mora! Over here!" Scarlett is yelling across the room, and I just waive as we walk up to them.

"Hey Guys." I put my binder down on the table, and slide in to sit next to Scarlett, and Aiden takes a seat on the other side of me fist pumping the guys from across the table. I see Zoe sitting on Zach's lap on the opposite side of the cafeteria where all the football players sit. She catches me looking and gives me a smile, and I return one back.

I thought this year would be kind of miserable with Con, and Ross gone to college but over the summer I made new friends, as did Scarlett and it was the first time I've felt a sort of relief since my brother moved away to Corpus Christi.

"You want me to grab you anything to eat?" Aiden breaks my thoughts while massaging my lower back. He has one leg on each side of me and the bench we're sitting on facing me.

"No, but I'll take a drink if you're getting up?" I pick my elbow up to set it on the table, cropping my palm to hold up my chin, and he leans in quickly to kiss my cheek before springing up fast.

"You got it babe!" he shoots an immense smile at me and turns around to go get it.

First period I have home ec with Scarlett and we make it inside right as the bell rings. The walls are a bright yellow, and there are four large tables that sit two stools on each side and the only spots left are in the back corner of the room. Automatically I see Sophie there with one of her friends.

"Great." I say under my breath, and Scarlett nudges me.

During the summer Scarlett connected more with Sophie because of Ross, but because I was dating Aiden, and drifted from Ross so much, I just couldn't click with her, and I could tell that she felt the same way about me.

"Hey girls." Scarlett smiles brightly at Sophie and her friend while I lay my binder down on the table, and scoot the stool out to sit down.

"Hey Scarlett." Sophie responds, and then she looks at me but doesn't say hello so I speak up.

"Hi Sophie, how are you?"

"I'm good." her answer is short and I catch myself rolling my eyes, and quickly stop. Her friend is just as pretty as she is, if not more. She has dark soft skin, and deep brown eyes. She wears her hair short, and wavy. "Hi, I'm Mora." I say to her, and offer my hand out to her, and she takes it weakly.

"Hi, I'm Sierra." she glances up at me for a second before turning her stool to face the teacher ahead of the class. It appears she's already made her mind up about me.

I sigh quietly before looking up at the teacher while she speaks to the class. This is going to be a long year.

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