Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

Dad and I get home close to seven. I go up to my room to put my stuff up, and passing Conner's room gives me a rush of sadness. This is the first time being home without him. Seriously. I want to get my mind off things so I text Scarlett.

Let's go out tonight or something. You can stay the night here since Con is gone now.

Are you home already?


K. Give me 30 min and I'll be there.


I actually get to hangout with Scarlett without my brother being there. I hope she's in better spirits than I am right now. I run down stairs.

"Dad, Scarlett is staying tonight if that's okay?" I ask him for what reason, I don't know.

"Sure kid. Are you girls staying in tonight?" he asks.

"I don't know. I kind of want to go out because it's depressing being here right now." I admit, and he responds "I'm probably about to go to bed soon because I've been feeling under the weather, but I understand. Two is still your curfew, and I'll be setting my clock to make sure you two are home by then."

"Yes sir. Thank you Daddy." I hug him, and he kisses me on top of my head.

At the same time, Scarlett comes barging in the door without knocking and yells "I can stay the night again. Yay" she screams, and dances around in a little circle in a running motion, and dad and I laugh, then I run over to her doing the same dance.

Once we get done dancing, we run upstairs to get ready.

"So what are we doing tonight?" I ask Scarlett.

She looks at me confused. "I don't know. I thought you had a plan?" The last couple years I've been more social than Scarlett because she's had a boyfriend, and I haven't. People sort of stop texting her when weekend after weekend she would just say no.

"Well shit. I don't know. Let me text Emily, and Zoe." I text them both, and Zoe doesn't respond and Emily is at home sick.

"Damn it." Scarlett exhales, and then asks "What about Ross?" I just crinkle up my nose.

"I don't know. I really don't feel like hanging out with him tonight." I explain.

"Why not?" she asks, and I honestly don't know. It's weird, because I'm always down to hangout with Ross but I really just didn't feel like it tonight. I shrug my shoulders "I don't know. There must be something going on tonight." In the back of my head I contemplate texting Aiden, but I don't know if I'm ready to be rejected by him yet.

"Let me get on social media and see if there are any events we're tagged in." She says.

While she's searching, I'm applying makeup which I rarely do. I just feel like getting dressed up tonight.

Maybe I should tell her that Aiden messaged me the other night...

"So..." I hesitate for a second. "So?" she stares at me with curiosity. "Aiden messaged me the other night, and he gave me his number." I say, and her mouth drops open and motions me to the bed. "What? Why are you just now telling me!" she screeches. I sit next to her. "I don't know. I just don't want it to be a big deal."

"What the hell Mora. That is a big deal. He's one of the hottest guys in school, and he's talking to you! What all have you guys text about?"

"I haven't texted him yet." I claim, and she looks annoyed now. "Why?"

"I just don't know what to say to him" I admit, and she rolls her eyes at me. "Mora, what are you so scared of?" I'm shocked by her response. "I'm not scared!"

"Yes you are. Every time a guy shows interest in you, you run the opposite direction." Now I'm offended "No I don't..." and she interrupts me "Yes you do, so don't try to tell me different. If he gave you his number, then he wants you to text him. What's so hard about that?"

"Maybe I just don't want to text him." I snap at her, and she scoots away to face me. "Aiden Bryant?" She says his name like it's a question.

"So!" I'm still annoyed. "I dare you." oh shit, she's pulling out the dares. "No way."

"Please!" Now she begs, and I ask "Why is this such a big deal for you?" I really am curious why she cares so much.

"Because Mora, a lot is changing this year, and we need to be ready to change with it. Conner is gone, and even though Ross isn't leaving, he's about to meet new people, and have more freedom. Emily is moving states away, and I love that we have each other to depend on but we still need other connections. Even if he doesn't like you, having his friendship could be a positive thing for you." Scarlett is getting deeper since dating Conner. "What about you Scarlett, you're going through changes too."

"Of course I am, and I'm scared. The past few nights I've cried myself to sleep. Not just because Conner is gone, but because the last two years I disconnected with people, with my friends. I love Conner so much, but there's some moments I regret not taking time out for my friends. It took me losing him to understand that, and I just don't want either of us to make decisions we'll regret this year." she continues "This is it. One more year and we're done with high school. Let's make memories." and she sticks out her pinky to link it with mine.

"Damn it Scarlett." she knows she's got me now, and she smiles really big, after I accept her pinky promise and hands me my phone.

"What am I supposed to say to him?" she just laughs "how about Hey, what are you doing?" and I can't help but laugh with her. It really can be that easy.

I text him.

Hey, It's Mora. What are you up to?

A few minutes later my phone dings

Hey. Me & the guys are thinking about going to ride go karts, and maybe laser tag. What are u up to?

Scarlett and I are about to go find a place to eat, but no plans after.

He takes about ten minutes to respond and I'm getting concerned, but Scarlett doesn't seem bothered by it. "Why is it taking him so long to respond?" I anxiously ask. She rolls her eyes. "Chill Mora."

My phone finally goes off again.

Why don't you guys eat, and meet us for go karts after?

Oh God.. He just invited us to hangout with him. I just show Scarlett my phone, and she screeches again. "Say yes!" but I wonder who he's with. "Should I ask who all is with him?" but she shakes her head "Who cares, it will be fun."

I text back.

K. Text you when we're finished.


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