Chapter Forty-One

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The next day goes by extremely fast, and tonight is graduation. I text Aiden to see if I can see him before, but he never responds. I don't think anything about it because we both have family coming in.

Mom and Ron make it in before I wake up, and I can hear Conner snoring as I walk past his room to greet them in the kitchen.

"Good morning." I say, and approach Ron first giving him a hug.

"Morning Mora, and congratulations." he replies.

"Thanks Ron." I answer as I walk to mom to hug her next.

"What's on the agenda?" mom asks me while taking a sip of coffee. She crimps her nose at the taste. "God Jared, could you make this coffee any stronger?" she says to dad who's reading the news on his computer.

"Sorry." he looks back at her, but she ignores him. It's weird having her and Ron in here with dad. I would have never imagined it.

"Well the seniors practiced yesterday, and they want us there two hours early to do a recap. Until then I guess just get ready." I answer.

"Nana wanted me to tell you that she's been sick all week, and she's just not well enough to fly." she says, and I just shrug my shoulders. I didn't expect her to come. I've only really seen my nana maybe a total of eight or nine times in my life. We're just not as close to mom's family as we are dad's. My mothers side of the family all live in North Carolina.

"Oh it's okay." I respond, and I can tell she's bothered by the fact that I'm not upset over it. "Mom, will you do my hair and makeup again?" I offer to soften her mood.

"You know I will!" she takes another sip regrettably. "I'm making a new pot." She walks around the island and pours out what he already made. He doesn't seem bothered by it, instead guides Ron to the living room, putting on the golf channel.

While she makes a new pot, Conner finally makes it downstairs. His hair is standing up all over the place, and he looks like he didn't get much sleep. I wonder how long Scarlett was here last night.

I give him judging eyes, but he just ignores them. "Hey mom." he says, yawning at the table.

"Hi honey. How was your drive up?" she asks him.

"Good. What about you?"

"It was good. So excited that my babies are all grown up." she starts to get mushy, and Conner and I both sigh loudly.

"Mom." I say.

"What!" she laughs, and I just roll my eyes.

The day flies. My granny arrives while mom is fixing my hair, and she gives me money as soon as she trudges into my bedroom.

"Granny, you don't have to..." I start to say, and she advises me to be quiet and take it. I do as she says.

"Debbie, how are you?" she sits on the edge of my bed where she can see us in the bathroom. She's only seen mom once since the divorce and that was at Conner's graduation. They despise each other.

Mom doesn't look away from the curling iron as she responds. "I'm doing great Lizzy. How have you been?"

"I've been great. Mora honey, I met Lorene. She's so lovely." I can't believe she just said that. I ignore her words, and my mom shoots her a snare. I know she wants to say something, but she decides to be the mature one this time. I look up and smile at her. I'm proud of her.

Granny sits and watches us for a few more minutes before getting up and leaving. My mom breaks her silence. "I'm sorry Mora, but your grandma is a witch." she says and I spit out the water I just took a gulp of. Usually I would tell her not to speak about her like that, but she sort of had it coming.

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