Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I walk into the cafeteria by myself. It's full of students, and visiting schools set up with posters, and pamphlets.  I look all around to see if I can see Aiden, but he's nowhere to be found. I hear Zoe yell my name from behind.

"Hey girl." she skips over followed by Zach Elliot.

"Hi." I say and hug her. "Hey Zach."

"Hey Andrews, what school are you looking at today?" Zach stands tall in his letterman jacket and his hands in his pocket while Zoe hugs one of his arms with hers.

"A&M, and probably some community schools around here just in-case I can't get into my school of choice. What about you?"

"Cool. A&M is a good pick. I've already been promised a scholarship to Arkansas." he chimes, and I can't help but get excited for him.

"Zach! That's awesome. You have to tell my dad next time you see him. That's his favorite team you know." I admit, and he raises his eyebrows.

"Oh yeah? Not A&M?"

"He likes them, but he loves the Hogs. I think he was secretly bummed that Conner stayed in Texas." I laugh loudly.

"Hell yeah! I'll have to try and hook him up with some tickets!"

"Okay. I'll tell him. He won't forget that." we laugh together. I start to ask Zoe what schools she's looking at until I feel hands slide on my back. I look over and Aiden is standing with us. "Oh. Hi." I say, startled to see him.

"Hey." he responds to me then looks at Zach, ignoring Zoe's presence. I just look at her with apologizing eyes. She doesn't appear to be bothered by it. "What's up man."

Zach responds with a fist pump. "Not much. Just here supporting Zoe. I've already gotten into a school."

"Oh yeah man. I heard from the team that you're going to be a Razorback next year! Is that true?" his smile is sincere, but I'm still annoyed with him. I'm sure he's read my text, and he's acting like nothing happened.

"Yeah dude. I'm honestly surprised that I got it, and so soon."

"Well congrats man. That's awesome." he answers, and pulls me closer to him. I can see him looking at me for a moment from the corner of my eyes.

"What's your plan? I hear you've been considering A&M baseball from some of the guys on the baseball team." Zach spills the beans, and even though I'm upset with him, I can't help but get a little giddy inside. I look up at him but he ignores my glance this time.

"Yeah, it's a big option for me. I have to try out for the team next weekend actually. I'm also looking locally too." he says, and Zoe smirks at me.

"So looks like you and Andrews have a pretty laid out plan." Zach say's and Aiden just nods at him in response to his question.

"Well let's go look around." Zoe tugs on Zach's hand, and he just waves us off. I pull away from Aiden facing him. "So a laid out plan huh?" I ask, forgetting momentarily that I'm mad at him.

"Yeah. I've been thinking a lot. I was always planning on staying local for school. That school isn't local but it's still close to home. I could still come home for the holidays, and the weekends until the season starts." he's talking and I stop him with a kiss but quickly pull away.

"Damn it Aiden. I was mad at you." I say, and he looks down at me, pulling me into his chest.

"Yeah. I read your text. But babe, there's no reason for you to get mad at me. I didn't do anything wrong." What! I can not believe he just said that. "Are you kidding?" I say quietly and pull away to look at him directly.

"No I'm not. Sophie deserved to know what her boyfriend is off doing when she's not around."

"Yeah, maybe she does but I asked you to let it go, and instead you go off and tell her. Your ex girlfriend." His face remains indifferent which really starts to piss me off.

"Sophie isn't my ex girlfriend. She's my friend who deserved the truth."

"Since when is she not your ex?" I demand, and he looks at me emotionless.

"Since forever Mora. I hung out with her a couple times, but I was never in a relationship with her. I never liked her like that, and she knew that because I made it very clear to her from the beginning. You're the only girlfriend I've ever had."

"So you two never did anything with each other?" I ask even though his past really isn't my business. He sighs, and tries to ignore my question, but I don't let him. "Well?"

"Mora, it doesn't matter what we've done. It's in the past and honestly it was something that didn't mean shit to me." he's getting agitated with me. I've always heard rumors about him, but I never thought that he would just use girls like that. I decide to drop it, because right now I have nothing nice to say to him.

I start to walk away to one of the community booths closest to the entrance, but he stops me pulling me back to him. "Mora, I'm sorry. I shouldn't speak about her like that. It's just Sophie and I didn't have feelings like that. Not emotional ones. I know that makes me sound like an ass, and I'm sorry you're seeing me in that light. But I'm more than just that, and you are different then all the other girls I've ever dated. Yeah, I went out with Sophie a few times but we were just friends. I promise that there is nothing between us. You're my girl, and I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that. I just wanted Ross to be held accountable somehow." he admits. Scarlett was right. He just wanted to hurt Ross.

"Well I just wanted you to let it go. I want to be able to trust you Aiden. I can't do that if you run off and tell people everything I say." I tell him, even though I trust him, I need him to know how hurt I am by his actions.

"I know. I'm sorry Mora. I was so pissed off at him, and the whole situation. Like I said, you're so different and I'm scared to lose you." He looks down at me, and suddenly Scarlett is there in the middle of the two of us with her arms wrapped around our waists.

"Okay love birds. Have you hashed it all out?" we start walking to a booth again.

"You two are on good terms again?" Aiden ignores Scarlett looking over her to me. She answers him for me.

"Yes. We both just had a lack in judgement. She still loves me."

"Well good. She was depressed the entire time she wasn't talking to you." Aiden is full of spilling secrets. Scarlett nods at him, then gleams at me.

"Oh, I know."

I narrowed it down to three schools after a couple hours of researching and a thousand questions later. Of course Texas A&M, and two community colleges. One is Lone Star College, here in Conroe and the other is Houston community college about fifty minutes from here. Aiden is on the same board as me. Secretly, I'm so ecstatic that he is choosing me. It really confirms his feelings for me, but another part of me wants to make sure he's doing it for himself too. I don't want to hold him back from what he truly wants.

"Aiden, are there any other schools you want to look at?" I ask him before we leave.

"Nope." he answers, and grabs my hand as we exit the cafeteria.

"Are you sure? I just don't want to think that I'm holding you back from a school that you really want to go to."

"Mora, you aren't. I was really shooting to stay in Conroe, so yeah Texas A&M was one I wasn't going to consider, but I'm excited about it. It's a far better school then here."

"Yay." I say, and then look up at him letting all my excitement burst out of me. "I love you Aiden. I'm seriously so happy that I get to spend my senior year with you." my smile tells it all, and he lays his hands on the back of my neck, and kisses my forehead. "You have no idea Mora." and I know he is telling me he loves me too.

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