Chapter Thirty-Three

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Today felt like it took forever, but my mood lightened more throughout the day. Especially at lunch. Josh and Shawn made a rap song, and they played it for us. It was so terrible. We couldn't stop laughing.

    This year is so different from last year. I never thought a year ago that these guys would be my friends, and that Scarlett and I would be dating them.

    Aiden is already at his jeep when I get out there. Him and Shawn are standing there talking.

    "Hey babe!" Aiden shouts at me as I walk over to him, and Shawn waves him bye once he sees me. "See you later dude." Aiden waves back at him. "Are you in a better mood?" he smiles at me.

    "I am now." I smile back. He grabs both my hands and pulls me into his large arms smothering me with warmth. "Good." he kisses me softly on my lips before we get into his jeep to leave.

    We stop and get fried chicken before going to our spot on the lake beach. After we eat, and get there Aiden lays out two blankets. One for us to sit on, and the other for us to cover up with.

    "Here." he says and wraps the flannel blanket around my body because the air is cool next to the water.

    "This is my favorite place in the whole world." I admit, and his eyes shine at my comment.

    "Mine too." It's the one thing that we have between us, and no one else. I'll never be able to share this spot with anyone else. It's ours always and forever.

    Aiden sits down, and props his knees up next to mine, looking over the water. "So, I got the email today." he claims, and my nerves quickly heighten as I wait for him to say something.

    "And?" I scream at him, and he laughs.

    "I don't know. I was too afraid to read it, so I thought you could read it for me." he's so cute. I love that he cares so much.

    "Okay, where is it?" I ask. He pulls out his phone and goes to the email without opening it, and hands it to me. The moment is huge for him... actually it's huge for us. My heart is beating a thousand miles a minute. I can't imagine how he feels right now.

    I turn his phone on, and open up the email. I debate with myself If I'm going to tease him if he got accepted but choose against it. When I open up the email it reads

Mr. Aiden Bryant,


We are happy to inform you that you have been selected...

    That is all I can read before I jump up screaming with excitement. "You made the team!" I'm jumping up and down on the blanket making it sink into the sand, and Aiden stands up in a frozen stance.

"Are you serious?"

I'm filled with excitement "Yes. I'm so happy for you!" and he pulls me to him, and starts to kiss me. He's over the moon and I can't help but react to it. "I knew you could do it!" I pull away from his kiss to look at him.

"Mora, I would have never even tried out if it wasn't for you. Seriously Mora, thank you!"

"Are you kidding Aiden. This was all you. I never doubted that you would make it for a second." I gleam at him, and his smile just grows in response. He doesn't let go of me but instead hugs me tightly with his face buried into my neck.

"I love you Mora." he says, and his words make me so happy.

"I love you too." I kiss him, and we both sit down again to read the rest of the letter.

"Are you going to tell your parents?" I ask him as he turns off his phone, and we both look out at the sun finally setting.

Aiden wraps us up tight with the blanket. "Yeah. I'll tell mom tonight." he turns his nose down to get heat from the blanket. The afternoon is turning into evening, and the lake breeze is turning crisp.

"I'm excited for us, and the future." Our faces aren't even an inch apart. I feel the air change between us, and my smile fades away in response to his warm lips on mine. Usually his kisses are strong, and secure but this time it's soft, and slow.

He holds on to the back of my neck softly, and gently caresses the back of my hair. His mouth moves from my lips to the bottom of my jaw, and I look over to see the sun touch the edge of the water until it's hidden by the night sky.

We're the only two people in sight. His lips are on my shoulders now, and he's pulling down the neck of my blouse, and shockingly I allow it. Before I know it, I'm laying on my back and he's on top of me and his hand is under my shirt, moving up my stomach to my bra. I can feel his heart beating heavy, and mine feels like it stopped beating all together.

His lips are back on mine again, and I find it hard to breath. He's never been so gentle, but suddenly I realize what is happening, and I snap out of it quickly.

"Aiden, we can't." I stop him, and he just stares down at me.

"Do what?" He asks with concern on his face.

I sit up and wrap my arms around my knees facing the water again, and I look down at him. "I've never had sex." I admit. He sits back up next to me.

"Mora, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." His voice is kind.

I lean my face into his. "You didn't. I'm just not ready for that next step." I claim, and he takes my hand to hold it.

"It's okay. I don't want you to ever feel rushed by me. I mean, you do drive me crazy in that sense, but I'll always wait for you Mora. Just know, when you're ready so am I."  he gives me a kiss on the cheek. I wasn't expecting his response to be so honest, or subtle.

I stretch out my legs where they are laying flat. "Thank you for understanding."

"Honestly Mora, usually you aren't so direct, but here lately you have been, and I like it. You keep me on my toes." he grins, and leans back on his elbows flicking sand at me.

I glare at him. "Hey!" and grab sand throwing it back his way. Suddenly we're wrestling on the blanket, and I'm finally at ease again, and laughing from my belly as he tickles my stomach. He's my new normal now and I don't know what I would do without him.

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