Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The next day I feel a little better, but not enough to get dressed up or put makeup on. I decide to wear my A&M hoodie, and baggy holey jeans that Scarlett despises, and the thought makes me smile. I do keep my hair down so it can dry out from my shower.

    Usually I'm ready before Aiden gets here, but this morning he's outside waiting on me. "Hey." I'm quiet as I climb up to get in. His radio is down low.

    "Hey." he says back, and before he pulls out, he kisses me softly on my cheek.

"I can't believe we're about to graduate." I say trying to turn around our mood.

"Right? I'm just glad I made it to graduation." he says, and I roll my eyes, changing the subject.

"This honestly has been the best year of my life. My senior year was more then what I expected it to be." I smile at him, and I can tell that a weight has been lifted off his shoulders when he sees it.

"Mine too." he simply says, lifting my hand up to kiss it. "Mora, I've never thanked you for bringing me out of my shell. I'm honestly the happiest I've ever been. I'm more social with the guys, and made more friends through you. You were my gift this year." he brags on me, and I just make a funny face at him before laughing.

"Thanks babe." I say. "So, how long do we have?" At some point we have to have this talk... why not have it on the way to school.

"Well I'm here... not going anywhere, so that's really your call Mora." his face fills with pain, and emotion. He doesn't want to think about it.

"I'm staying here all summer, and the weekend before school starts I'll head that way. Scarlett's parents have already rented her a condo, so I think she's going a little sooner than me." I say, and it's news to him.

"Scarlett isn't staying in a dorm?" he asks.

"No, she didn't want to, so they rented her a place to stay." I answer, and he looks over at me quickly before putting his eyes back on the road.

"Are you living with her?" he's digging for information, and a part of me wants to lie to see how he reacts, but I can't bring myself to play games with him right now.

"No. She asked me to, but dad said he wants me to stay in the dorms. At least my first year so I can get the experience." I respond, and he takes a short breath. He's satisfied with my answer.

"Well I'm glad we have the summer. That will give us plenty of time to prepare." he says, and it makes me sad thinking about it. I immediately regret bringing it up.

I change the subject quickly. "It's supposed to rain today." I say, and he wrinkles up his nose in disgust.

"I'm so sick of the rain." he cries. "But you know what?"

I look over at him curiously, and the corner of his mouth is trying to not turn up. "What?" I lean my head to the side like a puppy dog.

"We've never kissed in the rain." I can't believe he just said that.

I squeal loudly, and hit his shoulder. "Aiden, I can't believe you just said that!"

He jumps up when I hit him. "What!" he yelps back at me.

"You can't plan a rain kiss Aiden. It's supposed to just happen." My romantic side is so disappointed in him right now. I cross my arms, and purse my lips, when he laughs loudly. "It's not funny!"

"It's a little funny." he mocks me, and I hit him again.

"I'm sorry Mora. I didn't realize how sensitive you were to kissing in the rain at the right moment in the right place, at the right time." he rubs my hands, and I forgive him quickly.

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