Chapter Thirty-Two

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I dread going to school the next day. I haven't seen Sophie since Halloween night. I'm not prepared to see her at all.

    "Are you okay?" Aiden asks me on the way to school.

    "Not really. I'm dreading first period." he knows exactly what I'm referring to.

    "Yeah, I'm an ass. I'm sorry I made everything so awkward." he sighs, owning up to his actions from the other night.

    "It's okay, I mean it's not okay but it's something we've already dropped. No point in bringing it back up." I admit. I really just want to let all that mess go, and move on. I hope Sophie does too.

    "Well on a good note, I should be hearing back from A&M today or tomorrow on my tryouts." he changes the subject, and I'm thankful for it.

    "Yay! I've been praying all week about it. I really hope you get it babe." I confess to him. I don't know what I'm going to do if he can't get into the school.

    "Me too."

    After breakfast, Scarlett and I walk to class together. "You think Sophie will be here today?" She asks.

    I respond "I hope not." and she looks over at me.

    "Me too!" she says at the exact moment we walk into the classroom. Sophie and Sierra aren't there yet. I wonder if she even came to school today. "Maybe you're in the clear." Scarlett says as we set our bags down under our desk. The bell rings a few seconds later and as soon as I think we're good, the two of them come running into the class.

    The teacher yells from her desk. "Girls, you're late." she whines, and Sierra speaks.

    "Sorry Mrs. Thomas." her breath is heavy, and I can tell they ran to class to try to make it on time. I look over at Sophie from the corner of my eye, and she doesn't look like herself. Usually she's dressed cute, and always in makeup. Today her hair is in a messy bun, and her face is naked, under puffy, tired eyes. I can tell she's been crying. Even though I can't stand her, the thought of her hurting because of me makes my stomach sink in guilt. I feel sorry for her.

    I can tell that Scarlett shares the same thoughts because she just gives her a small smile, but stays quiet because there's a clear line drawn between the two of us, and Scarlett will always choose my side right or wrong. That's one reason I love her.

Mrs. Thomas stands up now in front of the class. "Today we're going to have a free time class. I'm behind on grading some tests from last week from being out sick, so today as long as you're quiet you can feel free to catch up on homework. Also, phones are permitted, but for today only. Tomorrow it's back to work." she says and today is seriously the one day I wish she would teach until the bell rings. I know Sophie agrees because she doesn't cheer like everyone else.

"Thank God! I didn't study for my last period quiz today. I finished my flash cards, but haven't had anytime to actually read over them." Scarlett says and I just pull out my phone to get on social media. I get bored after scrolling through the news feed after about twenty minutes. I just sigh and finally look up from my phone. Scarlett is in deep thought studying, and it looks like Sophie and Sierra are online shopping on Sierra's very large cell phone. Finally I decide to break the awkward silence at our table. "Sophie, are you okay?" I ask with real concern, and Scarlett jerks her head up shocked that I spoke to her first.

"Don't talk to me." she snaps at me, and even though I shouldn't be, I'm shocked at her response, and a little embarrassed. Suddenly Sierra gives out a light sarcastic laugh, shaking her head.

"What's so funny?" I ask her, and Scarlett nudges my leg with her knee.

"What's funny is that you actually have the nerve to talk to her after stealing one boyfriend away, and hooking up with the new one." now she's staring at me while Sophie just stares into her phone. She has no idea what she's talking about and it's making me want to explode.

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