Chapter Thirty

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Once I'm home I decide not to ask my father upon my brother's wishes.

The school week goes by fast. Sophie doesn't say anything to me the entire week. Scarlett automatically agreed to go to the rave with us. Usually I have to explain the whole ordeal and what's involved before she agrees to something like that, but she's still sucking up to me. Aiden told me early on that Josh and Shawn are going too, and asked would it be okay if they rode with us. I felt like saying yes was a betrayal to my brother so I asked him if they could just follow us. He didn't hesitate agreeing with what I wanted.

    Early Saturday morning Scarlett comes over so we can spend the day together and get ready for the party. "So what costume were you thinking?" she asked me.

    "I already have my costume." I feel guilty.

    "Mora! We were supposed to shop together." she crosses her arms, and sits down at my vanity, staring at me with a stink eye.

    "I didn't really shop. I mean I did a little." I made my costume. She would have totally been against it if I told her before I did it. She hates anything homemade.

    "Well?" she waits on me to show her. I pull out a white fitted tank top with a red X in a circle painted on it, and a brown leather vest that goes over it. I show her the top, and she looks confused. "I don't get it."

    "Wolverine." I say, and I pull out fingerless black leather gloves that have large plastic claws on them that I got from the little boys Halloween section. Meant specifically for Wolverine.

    "You're not going to be a hot nurse, or teacher." she asks, and I can't help but look at her annoyed.

    "Let me guess, you are?" She's so predictable.

    "Sure am. It's the one night a year you can dress up sexy and slutty without judgment."

    "Well I'll let you help me be sexy, but seriously I'm going as Wolverine. It's an inside joke of Aiden's and mine." I honestly say. Not telling her what it is.

    "Oh." she snarls her lips up, and I just ignore her.

All day we go shopping for her costume. It takes her hours to decide. She finally goes with an adult version of Strawberry Shortcake. She looks so ridiculous, but she doesn't listen to me.

    "I can not take advice from Wolverine." She makes fun of my costume, and I just sigh loudly.

    After she's dressed, she helps me with my makeup and hair. Scarlett is always good at making me look prettier than I can make myself look. She does my hair in a pretty crimp wave, and dresses my face with bold red lipstick to match my shirt, and dark shadows on my eyes. I don't even look like myself, but I like it. For the first time I see myself as hot instead of just pretty. I put on my vest, and go with ripped skinny jeans and dark brown combat boots.

    "Why don't you go with some high heels?" she says, and I look at her with indignation.

    "I'm Wolverine Scarlett, not Barbie." I'm disappointed in her.

    "Whatever." she responds, and then asks "Does Aiden know what you're dressing up as?"

    "No, I thought I would surprise him. Does Josh know what you're dressing up as?" I couldn't help myself.

    "Ouch." she answers, and now I feel bad.

    "I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. I sincerely was curious." and I am. I know that they've been talking but not because of Scarlett but because Aiden told me. I hate that she feels uncomfortable talking to me about her life.

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