Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ron is frying sausage and mom is buttering toast for breakfast. Conner is still passed out on the couch. He let me have his room last night. It's weird that he's moved into my room since coming to school here. Mom said that he's been staying here almost every weekend.

    "Food looks delicious. I can't believe the smell of the meat isn't waking Conner up." I say as I nibble on a piece of scrambled eggs sitting on the table.

    "Oh I smell it." Conner mutters from the couch. I look over, but he's still laying on his stomach with his arm hanging off the couch. He looks dead.

    "Well if you don't get up, I'm going to eat all of it." and suddenly his head springs up, and he's staring at me."

    "Don't you dare." and he sits up stretching his arms in the air, and yawns loudly.

    "Good morning honey." Mom chimes out loud, and Ron speaks after giving Conner a high five.

    "Kid, your team did awesome yesterday! I was able to watch it on my phone."

    Conner pulls out the chair next to me, and grabs a piece of toast, talking with his mouth full. "Thanks Ron. You didn't have to watch it. I didn't get to play." I hit him in his shoulder. "Hey! What was that for?" he huffs, and glares at me.

    "Don't talk with your mouth full." I proclaim, and he tosses the crust of his bread in my face.

    "Sorry sis. I'm an adult now. I can talk with my mouth full if I want." he laughs, and I wrinkle my nose at him. It doesn't matter how old he is, if my dad saw him doing that he would shut it down quick.

    "I'm telling dad!" I threaten, but all he does is snort at me, and acts like I'm not speaking to him.

    "So Ron, how many fish did you get yesterday?"

    "Hit the limit." He answers, and Conner is impressed. I could care less really.

    "Trout?" he asks.

    "Yep." Ron answers, walking to the table with a plate full of sausage, and mom follows him and they both sit down.

    "So Mora is thinking about attending A&M." Mom puts all the attention on me. Ron was taking a drink of his orange juice when she said it, and he gulped loudly.

    "Oh Mora, that's great to hear." he gleams at me, and Conner is grinning ear to ear.

    "God, I hope you get in Mora." Conner says, and I just stare at my food.

    "I'm not sure if I want to come here yet, and I'm not getting my hopes up either if I decide to apply." I admit, but they don't seem to worry about it.

    "I'm sure you'll get in Mora." Mom tries to reassure me. I can tell she really wants me to apply.

    "What does dad think?" Conner asks.

    "I'm not sure. I haven't talked to him. If I had to guess though, he would be happy. I won't be next door, but we're only a few hours away from home. It's better than out of state."

    "I'm sure he'll be fine with it." Ron speaks up as he fills up our drinking glasses, and I shrug my shoulders.

    "What time are we leaving Mora?" Conner asks me, and I wrinkle my head with confusion.

    "What do you mean?" I ask.

    "We're meeting up with dad and Lorene to eat lunch before you guys head home."

    "Oh. Cool. Is Ross..." I start to ask, but Conner already knows my question.

    "He's already left. He texted me early this morning." Thank God Conner handled that situation for me. I'm not ready to talk to Ross.

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