Chapter Twenty-Five

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The next morning I wake up like I'm in a different world. I'm so happy as I walk down to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal, and dad is on his computer looking at the news. "Good morning." I say as I pour milk in the bowl. He turns his chair around, and pulls off his glasses to look at me.

"Morning kiddo." He stands up, and strolls over to the stool next to me and sits down at the island. "Mora, I know this is uncomfortable but at some point we have to talk about it. You're older now, and going out all the time with a boyfriend..." he and I both sigh together before he continues. This really isn't something I wanted to discuss over my breakfast. "It's not that I don't trust you, but hormones and feelings are something you can't control so I want to know you're taking all the precautions if you are sexually active."

I can feel my face blaze with heat. "Dad, I'm not having sex."

"I'm not accusing you have having sex Mora, I just want you to be safe when the day comes that you do."

"Dad, isn't this something maybe mom can talk to me about?" I ask. I'm so uncomfortable talking to him about it, and I can tell he's uncomfortable too.

"Your mother and I already discussed it last night on the phone. We are both on the same page, and she supports everything I'm about to bring up." he says and I know that I have to listen so might as well let him talk and get it over with. "Now, like I said I'm not accusing you of anything, but one day it will happen and you need to know all of your options. Condoms are a great preventive tool, but they are not one hundred percent protective against pregnancy and diseases. If you ever think you will become sexually active, I don't want you to be afraid or embarrassed to come to your mother or I. We will have a doctor provide you with better protection, and also just because you haven't had sex doesn't mean that your partner hasn't. They could have something that they don't even know about. Asking your partner for test results or to be tested is not wrong, and you should never feel pressured into it either if you don't feel ready, or comfortable. It is okay to say no Mora." he is speaking slowly, and moving his fingers back and forth on the island anxiously. I just stare down at my cereal unresponsive, already losing my appetite.

"I know." I finally squeak after a few seconds of silence; keeping my eyes down on my breakfast.

"Okay. Good. I just want you to be able to come to me for anything and I'm proud of you always sis. You coming to me for help on issues like this will not change my mind or feelings about you. I just want you to trust in that, and trust me." He pats me on the shoulder then pushes the stool out, and stands back up. Still not looking up, I think to myself how not only am I embarrassed but in a way grateful that it was my dad who gave me this talk. He spit out everything he needed to say in less than a minute. My mother would have had pamphlets, and diagrams I'm sure. It must have been just as painful for him as it was for me, and I take pleasure in that.

Once all my ducks, and thoughts are in a row I walk over to him, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. "Thanks dad."

"For what?" he asks, rubbing my shoulders.

I look up at him. "For caring."

"Of course. That's what I'm here for." He grins and gives me a wink before letting me go so he can get back to his computer.

I'm watching the morning weather, when I hear Aiden honk his horn to pick me up for school. I throw my backpack on and lock up the house. I notice walking up to his jeep that he's in a collared navy polo shirt, and when I get in I see that his jeans are pressed, and he's wearing brown leather dress shoes. Usually he's in converse or vans and t-shirts.

"Wow, you look nice." I say, but curious why he's so dressed up.

"Yeah? Thanks." he leans in and kisses me before pulling out of the driveway.

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