Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The next morning I wake up, and Aiden has already left. "What time is it?" I ask my mom, and she jumps up from her desk chair when I speak to her.

    "You startled me." she says holding her chest like her breath is lost. "It's a little past ten." Ten. I must have been really tired last night.

    "Seriously?" I ask.

    "Serious. You missed breakfast with Aiden and I. I told him I would wake you up, but he said you could probably use the sleep so we let you sleep in." she says, and I smile as I walk to the fridge to pour some juice.

    "You want me to fix you something?" she asks.

    "Oh no, I'm fine. Do you have any cereal?"

    "Just corn flakes." she admits, taking a sip of her cup of coffee.

    "That's fine." I answer, and she starts to walk to the pantry, and I stop her.

    "No mom. It's okay, I can fix it." I grin at her, and she smiles back at me, taking her coffee to the table.

    "Okie doke." she answers, sipping on her drink. While I pour the cereal in my bowl my mom just stares at me.

    "What?" I ask quietly. I stop to look at her.

    "You're just so happy. I honestly haven't seen you this happy since you were a child." her voice is low and sincere.

    "Technically I'm still a child until the end of the year." I crack at her.

    "Technically you'll always be my child." she laughs, then say's "But honestly Mora. I haven't seen you like this since you were little. I like it!"

    I set my cereal on the table, and take a big gulp of juice. "Mom, I don't know what's going on with me. He's all I think about every day, all day. What's wrong with me?"

    "Oh baby, you're in love!" she leans over to rub the top of my hand. "and he's in love." She keeps her voice low when she says that.

    "Is this what it was like with you and dad?" I ask, and surprisingly she's quick to respond.

    "Yep. I was over the moon in love with your father."

    "Yeah?" I ask.

    "Yes. I was probably a year older than you when I met him. He went to a neighboring community college near mine, and we met at a party believe it or not." she says, and I'm shocked.

    "Dad partied?"

    "Oh yeah. Don't let him fool you. He had a crazy side when he was younger."

    "Why do I think that's awesome?" I ask. It's true. He's always so uptight. It's cool to know at one time he was just like Conner and I.

    "Because it is awesome." Mom laughs at my comment. "People change when they have kids, but they have to." she smiles, and I nod.

    "So did you feel this way about Ron too?" I ask her, and this time she is slow to respond.

    "I'm so in love with Ron, but I was much older when I met him then your father. With Ron I was looking for a future, and with Jared I was looking for passion, and excitement. In your younger days you don't really look for a spouse, or what someone has like jobs, or the house they have, and things like that. The older you get, the more you realize those things matter." I'm shocked because I thought she left dad because of lack of passion, and chose Ron because of it.

"I don't understand. So you don't feel for Ron the way I feel for Aiden?" I ask, and she doesn't hesitate with her answer.

"No honey. I still love him more than anything. He's my best friend, but butterflies and all of that, of course I got them meeting him, but I was looking for compatibility too. Someone I could share hobbies, and common interest with if that makes sense." I guess I understand. She had passion, and love for my father but no similarities they could share.

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