28. Her jealousy

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Divya Pov

Sadhana is really polite and smart girl. I heard from the gossip girls in my office that Sandhana able to do her job efficiently and effectively. Many were praising her for her talents.

I just sighed when I heard out everything nice about her. I feel like deja vu. Sandhana look like women version of Arjun.

I have this inferiority complex when comes to her and unconsciously I started comparing myself with her and that makes me to disliked about myself.

I talked to Sandya but didn't tell her about Sadhana. She already worrying about grandma behaviour towards me. From my voice, I think she know that I was sad because she asked me to spilled out. I didnt get surprised as Sandya can know my mood by listening to my voice. I said that I am missing her and now she really busy with her works, didn't have time talk to me like before.

Sandya for past three months really busy with her job as she have to follow with Vinay to outstation and during her outstation she have to switch off her phone due to confidential.

I am really missing both of them. If Dingo is here, he will make me smile and I will get distract as I argue with him. I asked Sandya and Vinay to meet me when they came back. She just hummed and said she also miss me and not to worried anything by wild guesses. She didn't buy my reason I guess. It's sometimes very bad if anyone can read you like an open book because they always can pin point your lies.

Next day, Sadhana was visiting our house for dinner with her parents. Arjun's family all look so happy and excited with her coming. Grandma, Arjun's aunt Nidhiya, his uncles all were happily chatting with Sandhana and her family and they treat me like a maid.

At first, Sadhana look shock and I saw a glimpse of angry and jealousy on her eyes when dad introduce me as Arjun's wife. Later I don't know what grandma and Nidhiya aunty told her, she look at me with mock expressions and smirk. I thought she was nice girl and sweet. I think not all beautiful girls have beautiful heart like my Sandya and Aleena.

Arjun went to his study room after have small talk with Sadhana's family. Now Grandma and Nidhiya aunty started to make fun of me and humiliate in front of Sadhana's family. I didn't expect they would laughing at me. I guess this is how rich people enjoying themself.

I just felt so embarrassing and lonely. Out of nowhere my mind thought if my parents with me now they won't let them to speak like this to me. They would protect me from this monsters kind of human.

Putting my head down, I went to garden, the place that I spent most beside our room's. Arjun's garden really beautiful and they always give peaceful warming feelings. I love to sit here because it's can calming myself and give some peace feeling.

I talked about Sandhana that she is not good girl as she seem and her behaviour towards me to Arjun later at night but it's back fired as Arjun looks so angry when I talked bad about Sadhana.

He told to me that he feel dissapointed with me. He didn't expect this from me, condemn someone because of my jealousy and talked bad about a girl who is younger than me. His words pierced my heart and it's really hurt to know Arjun trust her than me. I didn't condemn and said bad about her because of my jealousy but that was she are. I feel angry and sad with Arjun for the first time.

It's been a week since Sandhana join here and I feel like Arjun changing nowadays especially after that nights. He always frown when he look at me and suddenly asked me to call him sir at office. I think Sadhana said something about me that make he behave cold to me. I really get bad vibes from Sadhana since the day she came our house.

I'm going through bad times at office as Sadhana will visit Arjun here and when I went to hospital to explain about today's update and work progress to Arjun. I always saw him with her.

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