44. Loneliness

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Arjun Pov

I am trying to hates you and struggling to forget about you and wish to become a stupid who can easily forget all the memories, all the warm feelings and love.

The time we study together, the time you following me like a lost puppy, the time we shares together with stupid things, the time we sleep together. Everything repeat in my mind like a broken tape. Killing me  slowly with your memories.

I really hate my good memory and intelligence. Which only gives me pain and tears. You really conquer me as you wish and left me in the dark.

It's been a week since I shut myself from everything. I wanted to let go everything and start new life without anyone. I just want to be alone. But I can't.

I can't completely let go of you and let go of us. Just because you give up on us.

How can I hate you for leaving me but still loving you a lot?. It's felt like a hell.

I love you with all of me and I miss all of you. The love we shares will always remain in my heart and I will fight for it. I will find you Divya.

I miss you terribly. Please come to me, Divya. I cannot live without. You was my oxygen to living.

You really the most idiot human. Everybody can see it, how much I love you except you. If you just stand still for a second and look at my eyes closely, you will know how much you meant to me and how deep my love towards you.

But you never tried to look at me properly. Always indulge yourself into some wild imagination and absurd decisions. I could never think anyone aside you. It's always you in my heart.

Days passed, the hospitals doing great and we achieve number one positions  on healthcare industry. Recently, we have introduced a smart clinical decision via app. It's an technologies solution updating us with patient information in real-time and enabling us to take proactive treatment measures.

This app solutions enables healthcare facilities to increase safety and treatment effectiveness, improve care quality and reduces overall expenses.

I also divided my management works into many departments to make my work more easy.

I couldn't concentrate on my works so I didn't take any surgeries for awhile and only focusing consultation to patients and management.

I hired some investigators to find about Divya. I also went to her orphanage to find her but she was not there also. With disappointment I came back here.

It's been six months, the last time I saw her. I keep pleading to Sandya to let me know about her whereabouts. I think she also not sure about where Divya were staying.

I survived all this days with your memories. I remember everything about you.

The way you get excited when you tell me about your days, you tuck your hair and fiddling with your hand when you was nervous, your habit to stretch your body like a cat after you wake up, you scrunch your nose and bite your  lower lip when you focusing on something, when you love to wear my shirts and when you press your cheeks on my shoulder and hugging my arm.

One day, when I asked about Divya to Vinay. He tell something that make me going insane with her wild imagination and understood the deep of our misunderstanding.

He said Divya agree to sign the divorce paper after saw me kiss Sadhana. How the hell, She think me like that? She was my first for everything and she know that. I could never imagined someone in her place then how she think I can kiss Sadhana?.

It's make my blood boiling in anger. Divya, you never trust me even for one percent. How can you think I will cheat on you?. Im not that unethical person and even if I was not in love with you. I wouldn't dare to cheat. I am man with principles.

You should at least asked me and clear the misunderstanding but you choose to believe I'm cheating on you. If I was on your place I would asked you or wouldn't care about it because I trust you. Although if you kiss anyone in front of me, I would still believe on you thinking you may have reason to do it or you was forced.

You also same like others. You didn't love me. You just attract and obsessed with me. You hurt me a lot this time.

You know I have haphephobia and I don't allowed anyone touch me except for family members and you. I even told you that Sadhana is my family member which means she is like my sister.

When I find you, I will let you know how big mistakes you have done for not trusting me. I will give you punishment that can make you scare even to think to leave me. Let I get you first.

Author Pov

After Vinay knew about his mother went to meet Sandya. He don't want to prolong about this matter again. With or without permission Sandya's, he going to open up his relationship and his wished to marry Sandya very soon.

At Sharma' s during breakfast which is the only time all the family member's will gather up together.

He broke the news and his wished to marry Sandya. Everyone look surprised and give a look disagrees to him. But he didn't care any of them.

He being very adamant it's either they agree to marry him to Sandya or he will stay bachelor forever.

Vinay's grandpa look stunned with his act. This is first time Vinay stand up and asking for himself in front of family.

His grandpa, Mr Sharma hired a personnel investigator to finding about Sandya.
After a month of investigation, he have all the informations about her and her family.

Sandya actually from very reputed family as her father is businessman in India and her mother was very skilful professional accountant in India when she was alive. He know her as she was worked for his company in India.

He liked her as she was one of his dedicated and smart employees of his. She was very trustworthy and he believes her daughter also have her characters as she was excel in all her studies with good marks.

Therefore, he was planning in considering Vinay's wished to married with Sandya. As he getting more older, he look for a values and understand that inner beauty is something important to be a part of his family. Sandya has all the characters he looking for.

He tell his wish to agree with Vinay's decision to his whole family member's. In Sharma's family everything Mr Sharma said will be the end of decisions. They don't why he agree but they trust him for his decision.

After three months, Vinay's parents were visiting Sandya's father, Mr. Bala to asked for his decision to marrying Vinay to Sandya. It was a cultural for groom side to asked hand from bride's family.

Mr. Bala shocked with their sudden visit and their wish to marry his unlucky daughter. They were very powerful and wealthy people to deal with it.

Mr. Bala even though he didn't liked Sandya but he wished happiness in her life. So, he agreed with their proposal to marrying Sandya with their son.

But this was not accepted by his wife Mrs Madhu. She were pestering and scolding him for agreed to married Sandya with their son not Ramya. But Mr Bala ignored his wife nonsense and focus to preparing the marriage.

He called Sandya to inform about this matter. Sandya was totally surprised with the kindness her father showing to her for the first time. She said thank you for agreed to this marriage proposal and she will grateful and remembered his kindness for all her life.

But, Sandya reject all the dutiful responsibility that a father should do when giving her to groom families. She thankful enough for his decisions and don't want asked anything else from him. She treat him like a stranger as she not very comfortable. For her, Divya will be the only family member she have and later Vinay's.

Their marriage were fixed in near one year according to their horoscopes and numerology.

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