49. Siddhart

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Siddhart Pov

I met Divya for the first time at Arjun's hospital (Family Health Hospital). I was appointed at cardiology department and I sat at Arjun's cabin discussing about my working contracts.

At that time, Divya was enter the room to gave Arjun some files and papers. After giving him, she went out without looking at me.

I able to recognise her from the first glance. Thanks to my mom for updating about her and her pictures in our family group chat room. My mom following her since she know about Divya's identity.

I actually knew she was staying at London for her higher studies. But I didn't know she was working here. I think even my family also have no idea about this. For some reason, I didn't felt like to tell them because I don't know what other things they will expect me to do. I came here for my freedom.

At first, I just didn't care about her because I'm not really interested in her or wanted to know anything about her. But lately, it's change when I always able to meet her coincidentally.

I starting to curious about her. I can see how deep is her love towards Arjun. She will only look at Arjun and her eyes only searching for Arjun. She didn't give any importance to her surroundings or other things. She never ever turn her face to look at me. This creating something inside me and hurt my manly ego.

I am blessed with good looks and intelligence. I used to attentions from my families also from girls. Girls following me like a bees looking a flower.

As time passed, I started to admiring Divya's unconditional and selfless love towards Arjun. It's actually impressed me a way too much. In this world that too on this modern time, it's were like a miracle to see such a love from girls.

Girls that around me only focus on the money, status and pleasures. They are not cares about love or family. Therefore, it's attract me to her more.

Divya really never scared or hesitate to show her love towards Arjun. She also never give up on him and keep chasing him despite getting rejected and ignored. I really jealous Arjun having Divya's love.

Initially, I thought she just acting and doesn't have any self respects. But as I keep looking her, she able to win over me with her innocence, positivity, and her cheerful characters. I never saw her being sad or crying. This character of her very attractive for me as it's show how strong she are and I don't really like crying woman. It's kind of irritating to me.

Divya has forgiving characters naturally. She just forget and forgive peoples easily even they really hurt her. Divya like an open book and everybody can easily read her if you keep noticing her. This actually another reason to my deep feelings towards her.

I at beginning didn't know the fact Arjun and Divya actually already married. Its very shocking news for me. No one know about they were married. I get to know that its was because the marriage was held secretly with just their close family members. Arjun's family wanted it's to be very confidential. I actually knew it accidentally as I heard Sadhana mock her. To be honest, I feel very sad with the news and also feel pity for her. My heart really in pain and I feel very dissapointed. I really regret my past decision. If not she will be mine not Arjun.

I thought I may have my luck since Arjun didn't give her any chance to be near to him. Seems like he just didn't worried since he already have her as his wife.

I can see now clearly that Divya really get hurt with Arjun's families behaviour towards her and also about hiding their marriage news from everybody. I can feel how excited she wanted to known to be Arjun's wife.

Again she just controlled her feelings and never let it be a reason to conquer her emotions. She really good girl with gold heart.

So I tried to forget her and avoiding her after know the truth. I wanted her to be happy with her love.

One day, I heard Sadhana taunting her saying she is just temporarily in Arjun's life and he was forced to married Divya.

My mind actually mocking me for giving up on her easily. It's right, why should I give up on her without trying. I can claim her now as their marriage is forced marriage and I can feel Sadhana have feeling on Arjun and wanted to marry him by chasing out Divya. Moreover, Arjun didn't shows any appreciate for having her love. He took granted of her. So, it's not wrong if I take her from him.

At same time, I also worried about Arjun. Even though, Arjun avoiding Divya and pretending doesn't care about her or didn't acknowledge Divya's love.

But, he actually secretly helping her at her back. I also saw the way he look at Divya. It confirm that Arjun think Divya as a woman not as kid as he always said to her and I know he love her. I don't know why he pretending or ignoring her. But I really wished he keep behave like that towards her. I don't want Divya to realised Arjun's love.

Days passed, I tried many ways to grab her attentions but she only look at Arjun. Her world only revolve around Arjun. She never cares about other people except Arjun. It's really irked me a lot. I wanted both of them to separate and of course with Divya not get hurt much.

I heard conversations between Sandya and Divya. Divya telling to Sandya that she wanted to sign the divorce paper given by Arjun and wanted to go away from Arjun and his memories.
Arjun giving Divya a divorce?! I think she probably misunderstood of something or Sadhana probably did something.

However, I am very happy with the news I heard. For me, it's God given second chance to me to get Divya back. I would not slip this opportunity and will make sure to make her as mine before Arjun realised what he had lose.

For my shocking, Divya didn't went to India as she told Sandya  but went to Holmes Chappel. Luckily I was following her or not I would missed her out.

From then, I keep tracking on her and planning a coincidentally meeting. This is my chance to grab her attentions as Arjun not at her side.

I know Divya was working at art gallery in that town. I inform about Divya to my grandparents  and they actually happy to able meet her. We meet her in the name of buying her paintings. From that onwards, we become very closed.

I was on cloud nine thinking finally I can get her but again Divya slipped out from my hand and went to Arjun. At first, I was really angry with her but I don't really can stay angry with her when her smiling face and her innocence look play in my mind.

I think I should do something else to take her from Arjun. She is mine and only mine.

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