31. Something strange

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Arjun Pov

She really scared me when she fall in sick. She look so fragile and lifeless when she sick. I don't like of her unfeeling well look. She look very pale and she will keep sleeping. Although in normal days also she can sleep for 24 hours but this is something different.

Even if she is wake up, she won't talk as her body didn't have energy for all that. She just look different when she sick.

Despite being sick, she is very choosy in eating food. She won't eat porridge, any vegetables broth, and the most weird is she never drink warm water because it's tasteless. That was she told me. Strange girl. You have to force her to eat and drink.

I cannot trust maids or dad with her because she will manage to trick them do as her wish. Even she win over me with her puppy looks and her sadness expressions at times.

I really become speechless when come to her. I don't know what to do with her. Sometimes I feel like I have kid not wife.

Like yesterday, she keep pestering me to buy her chocolates and ice-cream. When I say no, she change her target to dad but dad said he scared of me so if I agree then he will buy for her. Aatharva raised his hand surrender as she look at him. She glared at me and calling me heartless monster.

She really don't understand, her body is dehydrate and eating chocolates and ice-cream is not good for health now. What i didn't expect was she called Vinay to buy her chocolates and ice-cream and that idiot also buy for her. I yelling at her for not listening to me but everything is like fall in deaf ears.

I notice a changing in her behaviour. Nowadays, she scared and hesitated to touch me. I think its because of that day, where I push her away from me as she try hug me.

I feel discomfort when she take back her hand quickly when she accidentally touch me especially when she hugged me. She will separate from me as soon she realised what she doing and will asked sorry before I say anything. Probably she assume that I will scold her for her act.

One week before, she winning first prize for a painting contest. She really good in painting. She have that natural born talent in art.

She look very happy as she run towards me and jump on me as she hug me in front of
Nidhiya aunty, Guna uncle, Sadhana and few other doctors at our hospital.

I was shocked at first when she suddenly jumped on me but I manage caught her and make her steady as I wrapped my arm around her waist. She then excitedly saying she won the contest and also earn 3000 dollars.

I open my mouth to congratulate her but before that she cut me off when she said sorry for hugging me as she moved away from me. She said she did that out of excitement.

Nidhiya aunty scold her and insult her as she wanted this marriage in secret. She again countless times asked sorry to me and aunty for her stupid act. She also promised to not repeat this act. I hate her sorry and I hate when she back away from me. I hate when she scared of me.

Before this, she never asked sorry to me or thank you. She think if she apologised means she have to never repeat that act and sorry only said to people we not closed. So her sorry really bother me a lot.

Coming to present, hospitals were lack of blood group AB-. So we were looking for a blood donates. I remember Divya also have AB- blood group.

During University, she had told me that there is moment she very proud of her because she save a life with her blood. She said she was really scared of needles but that time the person needs her. Therefore, she shook off her afraid and donate her blood. She also said she was fainted after that and get fever.

From that day onwards, she become regular blood donator as she learn she have rarest blood group.

So, I called her to come at ward for donating blood. She came but she mumbled in very soft voice just for herself that she cannot donate her blood now and what reason should she give to me. I look confused at her, what did she mean by cannot donate?. It can't be because of her period as she already get her period and I know her dates. I didn't asked anything because she doesn't know about my ability. So I keep quiet waiting for her lie.

As I expected she said she is in period. I just nod at her. She really behave strange from the day she fall in sick. During that time, I didn't think much as I was worried and thought probably she eat ice-cream a lot.

Now thinking back, it is very rarest for Divya to get fever just because she eat ice-cream or playing in raining. Since her body is used to her abnormal activities. So, it's must be something she never did before. What was that?. She won't said it if she determine to never tell. It's either she blurt out accidentally or I have to find myself.

Author Pov

There was a day, Arjun was called for emergency surgery as the patient's head was broken and blood were splash from his head like fountain.

Arjun wearing his blue surgeons robe, head covers, surgery glasess and gloves went to operation table. Arjun manage make the blood to stop as he identified the sources of the artery veins cuts. The operation goes well. He finished it and came out from operation theatre to have a quick bath.

Its was him who always take out and tying the robe by himself as he don't anyone to touch him because they will take advantage of him. When he was young, he gets many sexual harassment from his teachers, professors and fellow university mates. This is the reason why he don't like someone touching him. But when Divya make entry by calling him as she get news Arjun at here. He smirk as he want her to come his side and helping him to take off the robe.

He call her to come towards him but Divya after saw the bloods are splatter on his robe, she quickly take U turn.

" Its bad timing, I see you are so busy. I will see you later. Bye".

But Arjun didn't let her. "Come here now Divya, help me to untie this". Sadhana who hear out Arjun look shock at him as she know that he will never let anyone help him.

"Uh? Why me?". I don't want. You can ask other people help. There Sadhana is standing beside you".

Arjun glared at her "You better come here and help me out. It is you my wife not her". He yell at her because only three of them were present at there.

"Why you doing this to me?. You so mean and the most cruelest person I ever met. Who blackmailed his wife like this". She said dramatically with crying expression.

But still went to his back but Arjun asked to do it from his front. She glare at him and mumbles 'he doing intentionally because he know I scared of blood'. She went to him like hug position and untie the robe. Arjun is enjoying his moment with her. While Divya mentally scold him and planning a revenge on him for this. Sadhana was burning in jealousy.

Important notes
I have no knowledge about medicines or surgery. I'm an accountant. Therefore, if you find any unrelated or wrong information. Please don't mind it. It's purely fictional story.

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