Chapter 23 {Cloud Nine}

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~third person POV~
Four days until the inter high

"Thank god I've been waiting for this day, I'm so sick of this damn cast" [y/n] said in front of the doctor.

"F/n, sweetheart! Watch your mouth" her mother scolded.

"Your ankle still may be a little week, so keep the crutches until your ready to get rid of them, okay." The nurse assured them.

"Looks like we're done here, you may sign out at the front" the doctor added.

[y/n] slipped on her shoe and tried to stand on her foot.

"Ow ow ow" she cried.

"Yea It's not fully healed so take it easy" the nurse said before leaving the room.

She sighed in disappointment and grabbed her crutches.

"Let's go, we got to go pick up your brother from practice and maybe Iwaizumi too if he wants to come" her mom said.

She rarely picks up them up after school, busy since she's out and about and it's around that time, she might as well.

Next day
Three days until prelims

"Hey f/n, you got your cast off?" Soma approached her at her locker.

"Yea but I still have my crutches for at least two more weeks" she smiled.

Even though soma was upset that she practically chose Iwaizumi over him, the two are still pretty decent friends.

"That's cool" she looked behind her shoulder and seen Iwaizumi coming out of his classroom. "Okay I should go now, see ya later" he said walking off.

"Hey" Iwaizumi greeted. "Getting books for your next class?" He asked.

"I'm actually going to come back and get them, I just need go to the bathroom" she said shutting her locker.

"Oh okay see you at lunch then" he said opening his locker.

"As always" she smiled walking away.

In the process of walking away she heard two girls approaching Iwaizumi.

"Iwaizumi-San, my friend here has a question" One girl said pushing her friend closer to him.

[y/n] his around the corner to witness what was about to happen.

"Uh-Uh-I um... just w-wanted to know I-if y-you would l-like to go o-o-out with m-me?" She nervously choked up.

"You cant say no, she's liked you since our second year" the confident friend spoke up.

"I Uh don't know what to say" Iwaizumi said scratching the back of his head.

[y/n] felt her heart ache.

I mean me and Iwaizumi aren't even dating yet, so he can say what he wants... but we have a relationship it's just not official. What is he going to say?

"Sorry ladies, but I'm going to have to say no. I don't know if you know but I already have a girlfriend" he laughed.

Now why would he say something like that? Is he talking about someone else I don't know about.

"Don't tell me it's oikawas sister, no one wants to be with her" one of the girls' said.

[y/n] remembered she had to go to the bathroom as she felt herself about to have an accident. So she left before hearing how the conversation went.

At lunch [y/n] went to the roof instead of the gym. All she could think about was those two girls and Iwaizumi's conversation.

After school she went to the gym for practice anyways even though she told herself she would avoid showing up there.

After she sat down and out her crutches aside, the first person to approach her was Iwaizumi.

"What happened at lunch?" He asked sitting beside her.

"Oh I had extra work to finish, so I stayed behind in class" she lied.

"Funny because I came by you classroom, and you teacher said you left for lunch." He quirked an eyebrow.

[y/n] lied about certain things, but this one she couldn't hold back.

"D-do you have a girlfriend?" She nervously asked.

Iwaizumi just busted out laughing wiping actual tears from his eyes.

"Wait what"

"Hajime im serious" she pouted.

"What in the world would cause you to ask that?"

"Well I-I kind of heard your conversation with those two girls in the hallway." She blushed from embarrassment.

"Wait so you were avoiding me because of that?"

"You said you had a girlfriend" she asked.

"You are so oblivious" he laughed again.

"Hey don't call me that" she whined.

"It's obvious that I like you. The feelings that I have towards you, I have never felt for anyone else. I only told them that I had a girlfriend so they'd leave me alone. But I'm guessing you didn't hear the whole conversation, because I told them that you were my girlfriend" he smiled.

[y/n] blushed at his words, but couldn't form any of her own. He ruffled in her hair after planting a quick kiss on her forehead.

He got up and walked away before flashing her with one last smile.

"Dammit Hajime" she mumbled before fixing her hair. She was blushing uncontrollably at this point.

Be we still aren't dating yet. He hasn't asked me and I haven't asked him. What are we?

"By the way f/n, jealousy isn't a good look on you. But I like it when you get jealous over me." He smirked.

"Shut up" she blushed even more. She felt her heart was about to explode from how fast it was beating.

He never failed to make her feel some type of way.


A/n: so spring break is over and I haven't gotten shit done on school work. So I'm going to put my writing aside for at least two weeks, because I'm not trying to repeat the same grade😬

But thank you for continuing to read my story... see ya in two weeks.

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