44{We got a problem}

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~two and a half years later~

"I can't believe we're moving on to our third year of college in two months" [y/n] cheered taking a sip of her milkshake.

Iwaizumi didn't seem to happy, or at least he didn't show it.

"How's your culinary classes going?" Iwaizumi put a smile in his face.

"Very we'll actually, I'll be finishing up this summer." She smiled. "You know, you never told me what you'd be doing after college"

Ah, that.

~a week ago~

"Why haven't you told her yet? What are you going to do, wait last minute when your boarding the plane?" Oikawa spoke threw the computer.

"I can't bring myself to, It'll break her." Iwaizumi sighed resting his head in his hands.

"Well you know what's worse, if you tell her the day you leave." Oikawa said.

"I just don't want to see her cry. I'll miss her, and we won't even have time to talk, what if we grow apart. I can't imagine living everyday without her"

"I'll tell you this, you tell her now. If you don't, I'll fly all the way back to Japan just to beat your ass. Of course it's going to be hard to tell her, but waiting won't make it any better."

~present time~

"I don't know what my plans are, I may just get normal job somewhere in town" Iwaizumi sighed in disappointment.

"Oh come on, don't throw away your life like that. There must be something?"

Iwaizumi was starting to get nervous.

"Um how about we just go home and watch a movie, I'm ready to unwind for the day" Iwaizumi faked a yawn.

"Good idea, I am a bit tired myself"

The two paid for their meal and walked off to their shared apartment that they both recently started renting out.

Now the two are lying in bed watching a random film [y/n] had picked out.

Iwaizumi wasn't really paying attention. He was deep in thought. He was torn between two decisions.

Should I tell her or should I wait?

[y/n] wasn't really watching the movie either she was so tired she was dozing off.

"F/n" he spoke.

She hummed in response fighting to stay awake.

Just say it! No beating around the bush.

Iwaizumi took in a deep breath.

"I'm leaving" he said bluntly.

"Oh a vacation, when are you leaving?"

"Two weeks... but it's not a vacation"

"Oh are you're moving to a different town? Will we still be able to live together?"

Iwaizumi got out the bed.

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