Chapter 30 {day 5}

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~third person POV~

"Woo hoo pool time" oikawa shouted. He busted out the bathroom wearing his swim trunks.

"F/n are you not coming?" Oikawa asked.

[y/n] was laid on the bed scrolling through her phone.

"So here's the deal" she sat up. "I would love to go swimming, but not with a bunch of teenage boys. So call me down there when it tones down" she laid back down.

[y/n] wanted to relax in the pool, not get splashed by wild boys, so she figured she'd wait until everyone goes to bed.

"Okay" he shrugged walking out.

Iwaizumi had already went to the pool; he was actually the first one down there.


[y/n] received a text from Iwaizumi saying 'everyone left except for oikawa'

She responded with an 'okay' then got up to change into her swimsuit.

"Maybe this is a little revealing" she said taking a look at herself in the mirror. She had trouble tying the string in the back but she finally got it.

She slipped on one of Iwaizumi's shirts to go over it until she made it to the pool.

She started walking then limping because her ankle started acting up again.

"Well shit" she mumbled to herself.

Slowly and carefully she made it to the pool.

Oikawa was floating around on his back and Iwaizumi was hanging on the side of the pool wall.

He turned around when he felt her presence and smiled at her.

"Your getting in with my shirt on?"

She balanced herself on her good foot and slipped off the shirt revealing her body that was only covered up by a skin tight swimsuit.

Iwaizumi's breath hitched in his throat while also choking on spit.

"Is this better" she asked limping over to the pool.

"Damn you didn't have to do me like that"

"I knew we should've found you a different suit" oikawa swam over.

[y/n] bent down and stuck one foot into the pool.


"It's a heated pool" Iwaizumi said.

She stuck both legs in slowly easing herself into the pool, sighing in satisfaction from the warm water touching her skin.

"Is your foot okay?"

"It's fine it's started acting up just a few minutes ago."

She pushed herself off the pool wall a bit and started kicking her legs to stay afloat.

"Ow ow ow" she cried pulling herself back to the wall.

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