46{Love reunited} Epilouge

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~Seven years later~

When someone breaks a promise to you, how do you feel: sad, disappointed, betrayed, and possibly a little foolish if it isn't the first time?

Sometimes we can't keep our promises, or we forget what we promised.

What happens if you promise to love someone for the rest of your life? Could you keep it? Or are you going to forget?

So, what if you forget about the promise, the promise to love someone forever?

When two people fall in love, they become inseparable. You plant a piece of yourself in someone, and they leave a piece of themselves in you... it becomes a part of you.

As you grow apart from the person you love, the piece they left in you breaks.

You lose that piece of yourself in the process.

You may not notice it at first, but you will soon realize that you are feeling strange, possibly empty, depressed, sad, confused... hopeless.

You notice it when you realize you haven't spent as much time together as you used to. You gradually begin to do your own things. You began to fill your own lives with your own plans and goals. You stopped doing everything together, you stopped making life plans together, and eventually all of your plans got lost in all of the words and failed attempts you didn't make.

Even if you promised you wouldn't let life get in the way of your relationships, things don't always work out the way you hope.

It's difficult to move forward when you're missing a piece of yourself, but it's sometimes necessary. Losing touch with someone you care about is never easy, but it is sometimes inevitable.

Because it happens so slowly, you don't always see it coming. But, once you realize what happened, is it too late to fix it?


"Welcome back to Japan"

"Same to you"

These two formed a relationship as friends, they grew closer and became brothers.

It's been years a little over ten years since they last seen each other, so it was a bit emotional when they hugged each other.

Balling up the fabric on each other's backs as they squeezed each other tightly.

"We should get going" oikawa chuckled.

"Yea" Iwaizumi agreed.

Oikawa had taken a vacation to Japan from Argentina just to pick up best friend from the airport.

In the car oikawa took glances at Iwaizumi. He took notice of his bouncing leg, his shiny palms coated by sweat. He would occasionally rub his hands on his thighs just to rid of some sweat that caked up on his hands.

Iwaizumi would suddenly take a deep breath trying to calm himself down.

"Nervous?" oikawa smirked.

"Fuck Yea" Iwaizumi laughed nervously. "I feel like I'm going to vomit"

Oikawa's phone went off signaling an incoming call.

He pressed the green button putting the phone up to his ear and used his right hand to steer.

"Yes?" He spoke.

"Please look a little harder, I'm on my way back to help you."

Oikawa hung up and smiled.

"Was that her?" Iwaizumi asked.

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