Chapter 9

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"Reproduction is different in male and female" my Biology teacher rambled on about how we reproduce.

In my head, I'm like "Yo, we're teenagers and we're not as innocent as you think". Well, she's only doing her job

Chidera, who was seated in the chair next to me, raised up her hand.

I rolled my eyes. Anytime Chidera asks a question, it's usually meaningless and stupid. Anyway, at least it'll pass time. I badly want to get out of this class.

"Yes Chidera" Mrs. Obi answered her.

"During Biology practical class, can we demonstrate how humans reproduce? For better understanding, of course"

The whole class erupted in a fit of ooh's and ahh's, as well as laughter. Chidera's face was filled with pride as if she had just achieved something by making the whole class laugh. Jeez! This girl seeks attention too much. A real 'notice me'.

Mrs. Obi shook her head.

"Keep quiet everyone"

Everyone kept shut at once. Mrs. Obi is not one to be messed with. Feeling satisfied with our silence, she proceeded from where she stopped.

My eyes wandered round the classroom, searching for a pair of familiar green eyes. Unfortunately, I found none. It's already second period yet Justin is not in school. Is he okay? I hope he's not sick. I highly doubt it. We spoke all through the night and he seemed fine.

Why isn't he in school then?

I pouted sadly. I really looked forward to seeing him. As if reading my mind, his voice sounded from the door.

Good morning" Justin greeted "Sorry I'm late. I've been in the principal's office trying on my new uniform. It took time to adjust"

I took a good look at him and dare I say his appearance is drool worthy. The school's white shirt fit his body perfectly, tucked in with grey pants, grey tie and shiny black shoes. His curly hair perfected the whole look.

Gosh, he made this uniform look like a runway outfit. All the girls felt the same way. They aggressively swooned and whispered about how great he looked.

"Come in" Mrs Obi permitted.

"Thank you"

He walked over to where I was seated and sat beside me on my right side. The strong scent of his perfume hit my nose. I almost had the urge to pull him close and sniff him.

"Hey" he told me.

Instead of me to reply a 'hello' like a normal girl, instead I asked.

"Why are you sitting next to me?"

"I told the principal I feel more comfortable next to you. I convinced him to move me"

"What? Why would you do that?"

He looked confused.

"Do you not want me here? I can move back"

"Way to go Ada. You stupid girl" my subconscious rolled her eyes.

"No" I quickly said "I do"

I smiled to reassure him. He smiled back. My mind became at peace again.

The class went by smoothly. We took down notes. Justin and I made small talk in class in low tones in order not to get caught. There's just too much to talk about with him.

He yawned.

"Lazy ass" I teased.

He looked at me in disbelief with his eyes wide open.

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