Chapter 47

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I sat at the dinner table with my mom. I didn't have any apetite. My eyes hurt from crying for a whole day. There's a heavy ache in my chest that won't go away.

I lost my dad for ten years. I finally found him only for him to be taken away from me a few moments later. I never even got the chance to talk to him, to know him, to ask him questions. I had a lot of things to ask him.

The boy of my dreams has been the enemy all along but I never knew. Sure, he might have tried to save me in the end but he still betrayed me. Why does life have to be so cruel?

"What's on your mind, baby?" my mom asked.

I opened my mouth to talk but no words could come out.

I'm too weak to even speak. It feels as if there's a huge ball in my throat.


The tears dropped freely from my eyes.

"How do you stop loving someone, mom?"

I looked at her, hiping she could answer the question that could end this pain in my heart.

"Oh darling" she says "Unfortunately, you can't"

"But it hurts, mom" my voice cracked "It hurts too much"

I put my head on the table and sobbed. She stayed beside me and wrapped her arms around me.

I thought of everything, all the memories Justin and I had.

I remember the day I saw my dad at the hospital. I wish I knew then.

I remember everything about Justin. His smile. His kisses. His scent.

The club was packed with people yet in that moment, I could swear it was just both of us in this room.

"I think....I love you" he said.

I smiled. There was no other word to describe what I felt for him.

"I think...I love you too"

After I said the words, we joined our lips in a sweet passionate kiss.

The memories made me cry even louder.

"It's okay" she patted my back "It'll get better"

I shook my head. It won't. I know it won't.

The next Monday, I went to school. As I entered, people whispered. The news had already spread all across the nation. Everyone knew my teammates and I were behind the whole operation and that we had saved millions of lives.

My mom insisted that I stay home but I couldn't. It'll just make me even more depressed than I am. I need a distraction. I got seated and stared into thin air.

I looked at the empty chair beside me. Deep down, I hoped Justin would walk through those doors and tell me it was all a big misunderstanding but I knew he wouldn't.

I still remember the first day I saw him- it was as clear as day, forever embedded in my memory.

"You're a Stephen King fan?" a smooth voice asked.

I looked up and came face to face with a pair of beautiful green eyes.


He stood there with a bottle of Berry Blast in his hand as well. I thought most people hated this drink.

Being in this class, with all the memories we shared here made the pain even more unbearable but it's the only place I can be close to him again since I'm sure we might not cross paths anytime soon.

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