Chapter 45

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I looked at Justin closely to make sure he's the one right in front of me. He looked right back at me.

He can't be the enemy. He just can't be.

"J-Justin" I managed to speak "What are you doing here?"

"He's my father" Justin answered.

"My dad is a control freak. He's controlled everything in my life.."

"What?!" my teammates shrieked.

How did I not notice this?

How did I not see any signs? There weren't signs to even begin with. Everything felt so real.

The more I thought about it, the more it started to make sense.

At the club, Justin was the only outsider who knew about my whereabouts. That's how they were able to try to poison me.

In the bathroom when Nicole attacked me, I heard him asking Maya where I was.

He knew I was a spy all along.

"Why do you let Ben treat you like that?". He asked this because he knew I could defend myself. All this time, I felt guilty for not telling Justin about who I really am and yet he knew all along.

"So you're the mole?" Victoria spoke "You're the one who tried to poison Ada"

"It's not like that. I didn't mean to"

"How could you?" Choi said "She trusted you"

"There should be no secrets with you"

This is the same boy who claimed to tell me everything. The same boy who I connected with. All this time, he was the son of the enemy.

"My son here has been spying on you since day one" Charles said "I didn't know The Conversion would be sending a bunch of teenagers to my factory to try to stop me. In fact, I didn't think you'd be able to figure out my plan but my son assured me that you were smart enough to do so"

The late night calls. The passionate kisses. The 'I love you's'. Everything and everything was a lie? The room started spinning around me.

All this time, I thought I had finally found someone who understood me, someone who loved me but it was all a façade. I thought I was special since he refused to mingle with anyone else apart from me but it's because he was sent to spy on me, that's why he has been focused on me from day one- not because he was really interested. After all, who could ever love me?

How could a guy like Justin ever fall for a plain Jane like me? I should have questioned the signs further. Deep down, I knew it was all too good to be true. I felt the sudden urge to roll up in a ball and cry. At the same time, I want to scream.

Charles turned to Patrick and shook his head.

"Pius Obi" he said "You're back. I should have killed you when I got the chance"

Pius Obi. I looked at Patrick. No. It can't be.

"Dad?" I turned to him.

He looked at me with a remorseful expression.

"Wait" Charles said "You didn't know he was your father?"

I shook my head. Charles laughed heartily.

"Ha! This is even better than a soap opera"

"Dad" I said.

"I've missed you, my dear"

I ran to hug him. I couldn't even hold back the tears. He's here. He's actually alive. When I pulled back, I took a good look at him. He looked like he was in his sixties. That can't be right.

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