Chapter 15

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Later that evening, I sat at the edge of my bed deep in thought.

I can feel myself slowly sinking into a dark hole of sadness. Depression? That's what they call it, right? This is just a lot to take in.

I was attacked last week by Zoandra and now, she's telling me she's here to protect me.

I was held at gunpoint the next day.

I was attacked again today.

Maya is getting on my nerves.

My feelings for Justin were getting deeper and I doubt he feels the same way.

Zoandra turned out to be my protector who was sent by my dad.

What if she's bait? What if this is Charles' plan to get me to trust her?

I saw my dad give Ace that flash drive. How come she has it?

I am not fully recovered from my previous injuries yet I have new ones. My body ached all over and my head seemed like it was about to explode due to all the thoughts.

I'm just seventeen! I'm just a kid. I'm supposed to be binge watching TV series, gossiping with my friends, focusing on my studies and other things my age mates do.

Yet, here I am putting my life in danger in an attempt to save the world.

What about me? What if I'm the one who really needs saving? Who's going to save me?

I'm going to face my father's killer very soon. How am I going to cope with all this?

I busted into tears as my emotions got the best of me. Life isn't supposed to be this hard. I've barely made it into adulthood and I'm already tired. I cried loudly-putting all my sorrows into my tears.

"Oh honey" I heard my mother's voice.

I didn't even hear her come in. I heard her sob too as she wrapped her arms around me. Her empathetic actions made me cry even more.

"Mommy. Mommy I'm tired" I wailed "I'm really tired"

"I know honey. I know" she said "I wish there was a way to get you out of here but sadly, we took a blood oath with the agency"

"I just want to be normal"

She hugged me tighter. I could feel her teardrops on my skin.

"Let me fix you something to eat" she said "I'll be right back"

When she left, I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, letting the tears flow freely.

I am so tired of everything. I just want this pain and hurt to go away.

"You can't feel pain if you're dead" a voice whispered to me

I looked around. Where did that come from? Who said that?

I thought about it. It's true though. If I'm dead, I won't be able to feel a single thing.


The ringing of my phone interrupted my thoughts. I picked it up from under my pillow and answered it.

"Hello?" Justin's voice sounded from the other end

I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from crying.

"Hello" I whispered.

"I was looking for you everywhere. What happened? Where did you go?

Think of a lie.

Think of a lie.

"I hit my head so I had to go home"

He gasped.

"I am so sorry" he said "How did that happen?"

"I tripped on something and fell"

"Aww. You must be so weak. I'll leave you alone to rest"

"No. Please stay"

His voice was warm and it enveloped my body like a blanket. I need to talk to him. He's the only one who can make feel better.

"I'm sorry you're going through this. I wish I was there with you"

"Me too"

"Oh my gosh. Were you crying?"


"Ada" he said my name softly "Please don't lie to me"

That was when I lost it. I couldn't help but sob. I started crying again.

"What's wrong baby? Talk to me, please"

His voice was calm, soft and laced with concern. It made me cry even more. Why is he so nice to me? Why does he care so much?

"Everything" I cried "Everything is wrong"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, not right now"

"That's okay. Please don't cry. Everything will be fine"

"Why are you nice to me?" I asked "Why do you care so much?"

We just met a few weeks ago yet we became so close. Isn't that a bit weird? I thought things like this only happened in the movies.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean"

"We had a connection the first day we met. I can't explain it but you felt it, didn't you?"



The only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of our heavy breathing. I closed my eyes.

"You literally have the power to break me Ada" he whispered "I like you a lot and not as a friend. That's what I was trying to tell you today. I don't give a fuck about you or anyone else. You're all I think about"

"I feel the same way but we just met each other. How is this possible?"

"I guess it's fate. Kismet, they call it. Someone you met in a week can make you feel things than someone you known for years. Time doesn't matter at all-"

"The person does" I finished,

"Yes. Time is just an illusion. It's just a state of mind"

"It could be infatuation"

"Are you infatuated with me? Be sincere with yourself"

"No, I'm not. I feel something stronger"

"Don't try to suppress your feelings because you feel it's too soon. Nothing is ever too soon.

"I agree"

"Me too. You should rest. I'm sure your head's killing you We'll talk tomorrow love"

"Okay. Good night"

"Good night Ada"

For the first time in my life, I went to bed with a smile on my face.

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