Chapter 21

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The drive back to my house was mostly silent as I and Justin texted back and forth.

Me: My friend is having a sleepover. She said I could invite you. Wanna come?

Justin: You have friends?

Me: Haha! So funny.

Justin: Lol. Just teasing. Who is she though? How does she know me?

Me: it's Victoria from the night at the amusement park

Justin: Oh, the pretty blonde girl?

Me: Really? You couldn't look for a better description?

Justin: jealousy doesn't look good on you love. When is the sleepover?

Me: sometime next week

Justin: I'm down but I need to ask my mom first

Me: Okay

"Adaeze" Mr Ade called.

"Yes sir?"

"It seems we have a bit of a problem"


"Behind us"

I checked behind and almost screamed when I saw Nicole driving the car behind us. Her eyes glowed red and her grin got wider. I quickly hid myself. She probably already saw me anyway. She can't know where I live! This is dangerous.

"What do we do?" I asked in terror.

"We can only do one thing; we run" he calmly answered.

It's the calmness for me. How can he be calm at a time like this?

Although, his calmness was not to be taken for granted as he quickly veered to the next lane. I screamed in shock. Other cars horned in disapproval but we couldn't care less about them.

I'm not the type to ever put on their seatbelt at the backseat but with the way Mr Ade was driving, I had to because I was certain I could hit my head on the dashboard if I wasn't careful. I even had to grip the chair for extra support as he drove as if he secretly had ten extra lives hidden somewhere.

He maneuvered his way through the line-up of cars and sped past the traffic light. He was obviously well trained for this. How silly of me to underestimate his calm nature.

I checked the back and, in a distance, Nicole's car could still be spotted. It seemed as if she beat the traffic light too. I was about to panic until I saw her being pulled over by the road safety officials.

"You did it" I told him "You lost her"

He winked at me through the rear-view mirror.


As soon as I got home, I jumped down from the car in an attempt to inform my mother about what just happened. I opened the door in a hurry and dashed inside. She wasn't in the living room so I wondered where she could be.

Loud calm music sounded from the closed kitchen door. Why is music playing? My mom never plays music out loud. Moreover, why is the kitchen closed?

Silently, I opened the door.

Mr Davis and my mom held each other in a warm embrace as they swayed to the music. The song was so loud that they didn't even hear me.

Clock strikes upon the hour.

And the sun begins to fade.

Still enough time to figure out.

How to chase my blues away.

"You old man" My mom hit his shoulder playfully "You can't even dance"

"Who told you? I got moves, see"

He did the shimmy which made them laugh even more.

"Oh yeah? Look at me, I dance way better"

She did some funny disco moves.

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody

I wanna feel the heat with somebody

Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody

With somebody who loves me

Like kids, they moved and danced without a care in the world. They acted as if they were free and not as secret agents who were tied to a ruthless agency.

I need a man who'll take a chance

On a love that burns hot enough to last

So when the night falls

My lonely heart calls

A tear drop escaped from my eyes. I haven't seen my mom laugh this hard since my dad died. She looked so...happy.

He twirled her around before she fell into his arms. He cupped her cheeks in his hands and brought their faces close together.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are when you smile?" he spoke.

"No, you haven't"

"I'm telling you now. You are the most gorgeous thing I have ever laid eyes on"

"Now, you're lying"

"No, it's the truth. You're exquisite'"

"Thank you"

Ever so gently, he pressed their lips together. My mom threw her arms round his neck and melted into his arms.

Never have I seen such passion right before my very eyes.

With a teary eyed smile and a soft sigh, I closed the door.

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