Chapter 30

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"You need to tell me how you learned to fight like that" Justin said over the phone.

I was laying on my bed flat on my stomach with my legs dangling in the air.

"I took self-defence classes when I was younger"

Well, it is not a complete lie and it is not the complete truth either.

"And you never thought you should mention it to me?"

"There's a lot you don't know about me Justin"

"I can tell. I thought we talked to each other about everything"

The thought of it made me sad. I wish I could tell the one person who made my life easier everything. He's the only one I could talk to. I wanted to tell him the truth but it could be ugly and it could change everything for the worse.

Would he understand?

Will he still see me the same way?

Will he keep it a secret?

Most importantly, is it worth it?

Is HE worth it?

As a spy, I have learned one thing over the years.

Spy rule #7..: Never trust anyone and never let your guard down.

People can always hide their true intentions behind deceiving personalities. It doesn't matter how trustworthy the person seems to be. People change over time and it could happen more quickly than you would expect it to.

"I still have to keep some things to myself, you know" I said.

"Beautiful and mysterious. Where have you been all my life?"

I laughed.

"I don't know what to do with you" I smiled. Smiling happens a lot when Justin and I talk "What are you doing?"

"Eating toast with berry blast. I'm having the time of my life"

I hissed. "That drink will soon kill you"

"Nah, you'll be the one to kill me first"

"Oh yeah?"


The late-night phone calls, the body contact, the connection we made while talking. It was all too much. I have never felt this way before. I've never even allowed someone to come this close before. I hope it ends well.

I turned around and faced the ceiling. From the window at my side, I could see the stars in the sky. The night looked beautiful. It was a full moon too.


"Yes baby"

"How many cups of berry blast will it take to get you to the moon?" I joked


"If I'm sipping it from your lips" he whispered, his voice suddenly low "Just one"


On a lonely street in the forever busy streets of Lagos, the moon cast long shadows on the ground. The night sky was aglow with bright city lights, accompanied by the noises and honking of car horns from a distance.

No one wandered this particular street at night. Softly, the wind blew and leaves floated in the air.

Suddenly, there was a deafening sound coming from the sky. A large blue portal appeared in the middle of the street. It sucked everything around it, including the street rats. Before it could close up, a man flew from the portal and fell to the floor with a huge thud. He cried out in pain. Immediately, the portal closed back.

He sat up and took a look around. The environment seemed very unfamiliar to him.

"Where am I?" he asked himself.

He felt a crack on his left hand. It was a stop watch but it was broken as a result of the fall. He checked his pockets for any clue of where he might be.

He knew he came here with a purpose but he had forgotten what it was. He found a paper in his pocket. Quickly he opened it and read the contents.

The effects of time travel include memory loss which you will slowly get back as the days go by. However, there is no time to waste and this is why I am writing this note in order to remind myself.

If my calculations are correct, I have arrived in the year 2021. Do the following things in this order;

- Find a way to call Zoandra. She will help you pick up the pieces. Here is her number.

- Check up on the agency and the organization if it still exists.

- Fix the stop watch. It should be broken again.

- Find Adaeze, your daughter. She's the key to everything.

CODENAME:	A.D.ATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang