Chapter 31

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Chen and I sat in the car with me in the driver's seat and her in the passenger's seat. Yinka and Choi leaned on their car in front of us.

Yinka and I made eye contact for a few seconds. He winked. I smiled in return.

"Looks like someone's flirting" Chen teased.

"I'm not" I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say. We all know he's attractive as hell"

I didn't bother to answer.

I took a look at my surroundings, trying to notice anything strange before it could blow up in our faces.

So far, nothing and no one showed up. Nevertheless, I was still on my guard.

"How long is this going to take?" Chen asked.

"A while, I guess. A heist is not an easy task"

We were on a mission to recover two of the agency's missing jewels from the bank. It had been in the bank's possession for a while which is the fault of a greedy former agent who stole them and put them in a safety deposit. Luckily, it was traced and now, it is time to get It back. Apparently, the jewels were worth millions of naira.

Victoria and Mike were inside. Victoria would be able to sneak in to hack into the computer system in order to get the vault number and code. Mike will be on the inside distracting the staff. 

Yinka and Choi are on standby in case anything goes wrong and their help is needed since they're good at defence. They leaned on the car while keeping watch and observing everything happening. By chance, Yinka and I made eye contact again.

Normally, I would look away due to my shy nature but for some reason, I didn't look away and neither did he. We just stayed that way.

"Flirting again?" Chen teased.

I broke eye contact with him but I could still feel his eyes on me. What is wrong with me?

"No" I scoffed.

"Seems like he's attracted to you" she sang.

"Shut up"

"And it looks like you feel the same way too"

Luckily, Victoria and Mike came out just in time to stop the conversation. They were both holding black bags.

"Did you get it?" we asked them when they got in the car.

"Yes" they chorused.

They opened up the bags for us to see. I gasped when I saw the contents inside. They were both filled with blinding sparkling jewellery and diamonds. I had never seen diamonds in real life before.

"Wow" I breathed "They look so..."

"Shiny..." Chen completed.

"Let's get out of here" Mike said "Before they find out"

Before I could start my engine, a loud alarm blared all over the street. Troops of armed men came out of the bank.

"Too late" Victoria cried out.

Without wasting any time, I put the car in motion and moved as swiftly as I could with Choi and Yinka following closely behind us.

"Where do I go?" I asked Chen.

She was holding a map that would lead us to a safe building given to us by the agency. The problem is we had to use a real map which is hard to navigate. We couldn't use google map because the location is hidden. Chen looked at the paper with scrutiny.

"Turn left and enter the express"

I did as told. I hissed when I saw the huge traffic. From my rear-view mirror, I could see the jeep the armed men were in.

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