Chapter 5

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Pure darkness.

That's all I saw with the blindfold covering my eyes.

For our training today, they tied five of us in a room to a chair and blindfolded us. The task is to get out of the building alive.

The Conversion had a separate building for training. The lesson to learn today is 'team work'. We are expected to work together and look out for each other in order to achieve our goal. That's the only way we can make it out alive – to support ourselves.

United we stand, divided we fall.

It's every Operative for himself, The Conversion for us all.

I grunted as I struggled with the ropes that tied my hands behind my back. Being tied is a hard thing on its own, but being tied with a blindfold on is a different task altogether.

I had a pocket knife in my back pocket. After all, a spy has to always be prepared. I always keep weapons with me at all times. The only problem is how to reach it.

"Any luck, guys?" I asked my teammates.

"Nope" They all answered.

Dammit! I can't blame them. What if this was a real-life situation and we really needed to escape or worse, what if I'm alone? What would I do then? I have to be independent. Anything can happen out there.

"I think I got something" Choi said.

Thank goodness.

I sat up and reached for my back pocket as hard as I could, trying to get a hold of my knife.

"Argh!" I exclaimed.

The ropes were extremely tight. The harder I pull, the more painful it is. My wrists are surely going to be bruised.

"You okay, Ada?" Mike asked.

"Yeah. It hurts, that's all"

"Why are you bothered if she's okay?" Victoria snapped "She's the leader. She should do this on her own. She'll most likely be alone out there"

"No, she won't be alone because she has us. We're a team" Choi replied.

"But she's going to be on her own most of the time. She should be independent"

"And who says I'm not?" I retorted.

"Prove it then"

"I swear, when I untie myself, I'll leave you alone here miss independent"

"Not if I untie myself first!"

"God! Everything is not a competition"

"Guys, shut the hell up!" Chen screamed.

We all kept quiet. Chen is not one to be messed with. She has a bad temper plus she could kick all of our asses if she wants to. I wonder why they didn't send her instead of me. There's no doubt that she would do better.

I whined as I desperately tried to free myself.

"Okay Ada. Breathe" I whispered to myself "Remember what they taught you in training"

I used my fingers to feel the ropes. We were taught that every knot has a weak point, no matter how tight it is. You have to use your sense to detect where the knot ends, detect the weak point and then pull. I traced the knots slowly and untangled it with all the strength I had.

It is excruciatingly painful but I had to prepare myself for the real thing. As a spy, you must also be time conscious. You never know what's happening outside, a bomb might even be ticking. Speed and accuracy are keys!

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