Chapter 6

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Nigeria's call obey.

To serve our father land.

With love and strength and faith.

The sound of students singing the National Anthem filled the school grounds. I quickly rushed down from my car and ran to join them at the assembly.

I'm late.... again. I just hope I don't get punished.

In most Nigerian schools (if not all), assemblies are held in the school compound/ quadrangle every morning before classes start. It consists of various but brief events such as; prayers, bible readings, National Anthem, school anthem, any important announcement then students march back to their respective classrooms in an orderly manner.

All students assemble on the quadrangle and form lines according to their classes in an ascending order (from kindergarten to the 12th grade). Each class has two separate lines for boys and girls each where they will line up according to their heights. The shortest in front to the tallest at the back.

I joined my class line. I'm about 5'5 so I was placed at the middle.

After all the announcements were made, we filed back to our classes in a methodical manner from the school grounds to the staircase till you get to your class.

Usually, after assembly, students chit chat with their friends as they climb up the stairs, talking and laughing, trying to get the latest gist before entering class. The staircase was always filled with conversations and gossips being spilled in a hurry among friend groups.

I, on the other hand, have no one to talk to so I took slow steps up the stairs with my hands in my blazer pockets, my backpack on my shoulder and my head in the clouds. My mind drifted back to the mission I was given yesterday.

Can I really face Ace? Can I really face the man who murdered my father? Why me? Why couldn't they take someone with more experience? What if I fail? Or worse. What if I get killed? My mother would be so devastated.

Ace's picture was stuck in my head. He's a cold-hearted killer. He takes down the biggest and toughest people in espionage.

Surely, he won't think twice before taking down a kid like me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I lost my footing and tripped on the staircase. Laughter erupted from behind me.

"Dozie" Ben mocked me as he passed.

A wave of embarrassment washed over me. I can't seem to do anything else. I'm so clumsy. I can barely survive high school. Howcan I survive such a mission like this?

"Are you alright?" a soft voice spoke followed by a warm touch on my back.


I looked up and immediately got lost in his green eyes.


I was tongue tied.

"You sure English is your first language?" he teased.

I chuckled.

I struggled to pick up my backpack due to more students passing and they wouldn't wait for me. Justin took them up for me.

"Here, let me" he offered.

"It's fine. I got it"

"I insist"

He helped me up as well. We continued our walk to the classroom.

"You weren't in school yesterday" he stated.

He noticed?

"Yeah. I wasn't feeling too well" I lied.


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