Chapter 24

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All the year eight students gathered in the dojo for self-defence classes. We were seated on the floor as we observed the moves Sensei Zhang demonstrated on Chen.

My mind wasn't present. I could hear people whispering. Word about what happened to me got out pretty fast and it's all everyone was speaking of. I pretended not to hear anything.

You think this agency cares about you? They put you in the same room with a killer, not caring about the consequences

In a way, he's right.

The Conversion doesn't really care about us. All they care about is the completion of their mission and what we can give them. As young as we are, we risk our lives every day and they allow it.

I watched as Chen moved her katana with precision. She demonstrated how to do the Laijutsu and counter attack. Sure, it's the modern age and no one uses swords anymore but it could be helpful when using other weapons in time of danger.

When she was done, she took a bow and we all applauded her.

Sensei Zhang took his position and demonstrated more moves for us on students.

"I heard what happened" Chen said as she sat next to me "Are you okay?"

"Yes" I answered.

At least, I wasn't injured. I am very grateful that the guards came just in time. Only Lord knows what he planned to do to me.

"If I was there, I would have kicked his ass and knocked him out again" Choi said

The five of us chuckled.

"Thanks Choi" I told him.

"The cutie asked of you though" Victoria said.

I was surprised to hear this.

"He did?"

"Yup. He was like 'I was hoping they'd send in the girl who took me down'. I told him if he didn't talk, I'd bring you in to whoop his ass a second time"

I became more intrigued. Why did I even cross his mind?

"SILENCE!" Sensei Zhang demanded.

We all kept our mouths shut and looked straight ahead. We all know how he can be when he's angry.

"Your next class is weaponry and ammunition" he spoke "Am I correct?"

"Yes sir" we chorused.

"You'll be training on a military base-like location. Get ready. The bus will take you and it leaves in five minutes"

"Yes sir"

"Sounds fun" Chen said.

"Only for you" Victoria rolled her eyes.

It didn't take much time for us to get dressed and get loaded on the bus. I took a seat at the back and leaned my head against the window. I closed my eyes and sighed as a lot of things constantly ran through my mind.

The seat next to me dipped. I opened my eyes and saw Victoria.

She put her hand on my knee in a comforting manner. A commiserative look was evident on her face.

"Whatever you're going through, you'll be fine" she told me.

I smiled and nodded.


"How's lover boy?"

Of course, I smiled at the thought of Justin.

"He's good"

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