Chapter 42

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In the evening, we were instructed to go back to the first room we were brought into by Mr Ade. When we entered, Charles was shuffling a deck of cards. He had five empty chairs in front of him, probably for us.

The sight of him made my blood boil. This man is up to something. I just know it.

"Good evening, sir" we greeted as we came in.

"Evening" he responded "Please sit. Do me the honours of joining me in a game of cards"

He shared the cards amongst us and we started playing. Look at him, smiling and chatting with us as if he isn't evil.

I wish I could get a hold of Ace. It's been a day and we haven't seen him. He might not have killed my father but he shot him so he might have an idea where he went. I was so lost in my thoughts that I forgot it was my turn to play.

"Samantha" Victoria nudged me "Your turn"

"Oh, sorry"

I dropped a similar card on the pile.

"Penny for your thoughts, Samantha?" Charles said to me.


"What's got your head in the clouds? Are you okay?"

"Yes sir"

Your charm won't work on me. I know who you really are and we're about to find out what you are really up to.

"Tell me" Charles started "What do you think of the factory so far?"

"Its...interesting" Choi answered.

"It sure is" I added "If I may ask, what inspired this generous donation of yours?"

He looked at me directly.

"I've always wanted to help people. This is just a small way of contributing to society"

"Hmmm" I murmured "Last card"

Everyone played till it got to me again. I dropped the card.

"Check up" I announced "I won"

"Impressive" Charles commented.


Charles engaged the others in conversations about school, their parents and their hobbies. Basically, they just talked about random things. I zoned out completely. I couldn't be bothered with small talk at the moment. While they talked, I tried my best to figure out a plan for our operation tonight.

Five of us can't possible go at the same time. It'll be easy for us to get caught. I and 2 others will go while the remaining 2 will stay behind in case of anything.

"Samantha. Samantha"

Victoria nudged me. I totally forgot that my name is supposed to be 'Samantha'.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Is everything alright?" Charles asked "You've barely said a word"

I forced a small smile.

"Yes. I was just lost in my thoughts"

"Okay then. What do you do for fun?"

"Mostly reading"

"Reading? Nothing else?"

"No. You know, my dad used to read a lot too. I took the behaviour from him"

He looked a bit taken aback by my answer or maybe it's just my imagination.

"Did you?"

"Yeah. He loved to read and write too"

"Sounds like an interesting man"

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