Chapter 36

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I finally decided to tell Justin the truth about who I truly am. I held him tighter as his arms were wrapped around me.

After what happened last night, I couldn't bear to hide anything from him anymore. He had told me an important part of his life. It's only fair that I return the favour.

I feel completely free with him. I also believe I can trust him. I feel as if I've known him all my life. I'm sure his attitude towards me won't change.

He kissed my forehead softly. I snuggled deeper into his arms.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he spoke.

I took in a deep breath. Once I do this, there's no going back, there can't be.

"I want to tell you something that might sound a little crazy"


His voice sounded a little unsure. Mine would be too if someone told me they wanted to tell me something crazy.

"I don't know how to say this.... I've been hiding something from you"

"Which is?"

"Remember my self-defence skills at the cafeteria?'

"Yeah, you told me you took self-defence classes as a child"

"That's not all..."

"What is it then?"

I took in another deep breath. I tried to clear out my thoughts. How do I say this without sounding absolutely insane? What would the others think? I never even planned how I was going to tell him this.

"I'm a top-secret agent. I work for an espionage agency" I rushed the words out before I was tempted to keep quiet.

He laughed.

"Okay, enough with the jokes. What do you really want to tell me?"

"That's it"

"Really? You're trying to tell me that you're a spy?"


"How many books have messed up your imagination? Is this a joke?"

"I know it sounds crazy. If you don't believe me, I can prove it"

Honestly, I didn't expect him to believe me instantly. I'll just have to show him proof then get my other teammates to tell him too.

Justin was quiet for a while.

"How long did you plan to keep this from me?"

His voice sounded serious.

"I-I don't understand"

"To be honest Adaeze, I knew all along"

He brought out a knife from his pocket and threw it at me. Luckily, I was able to dodge it in time. I quickly jumped off the bed then ran to the door.

I woke up in shock. My heartbeat was probably fasted than someone who was running for his dear life. That was the worst dream I've had in a while. I had to look around the room to make sure it wasn't real.

Justin was sleeping peacefully beside me. He looked even more beautiful while he was asleep. He looked as if he was in total bliss. I smiled at the sight of him.

Maybe this dream is a sign for me not to tell him yet. He would probably take it the wrong way. I hate lying to him especially after he told me the dark things from his past. Anyway, I'm not totally lying. I'm just not telling him the truth. I'm lying by omission which is not a total lie.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I'm more than grateful to know it was just a dream. I couldn't even bear the thought of Justin betraying me.

All this apprehension made me throat dry so I decided to get up to get some water. I stood up quietly from the bed, careful not to wake Justin. I walked to the kitchen while I hummed under my breath.

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